March 1st, 2013

[info]marinanova_mod in [info]marinanova_lol

Anniversary Love Meme!


Today, we're celebrating four years of the Marina Asylum RP empire. It was born on Inksome and raised on Insane Journal where it's had a couple of homes, but we're still swimming along! Enough of the history lesson, it's time to share the love!

• We'll start things off with a few general categories of things to love! You comment to share details of your love for these things!

• Comment with a list of your characters (fandoms and journals included, please) and receive love for them!

• Feel free to post other categories and spread the love there, too!

• Tag around and tell everyone what you love about them, their characters, and everything else!

No official plotting post for March since we'll all be busy with this, but we'll have HMD/plotting again next month and you can always hit people up on the Sunday Speakeasy.