This is Manhwa District

July 7th, 2008

Manhwa District

If there are manhwas you want featured in community icons, you can drop a request on any mod post and I'll see what I can do. ^^b


July 7th, 2008

(Mod Post)

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Welcome to Manhwa District! There are plenty of places where you can go to discuss manga. Here you can post anything you'd like so long as it relates to manhwa, aka korean comics and animations.

My nickname is Spicy, so feel free to just call me that. ^^b I'll be your mod--which means this asylum is very laid back. Any rules made will simply be reminders to have common sense~ I hope to see more people who are interested in manhwa!

One-Thousand and One Nights Vol. 4

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Woot~ I went out and bought One-Thousand and One Nights today~ Had to go to Waldens Bookstore, because sucky Borders wasn't carrying it.

I don't want to spoil anything for anyone but seriously, the sultan is a FREAK XD There will definitely be plenty of psychological craziness going on, and I can't wait to read Vol. 5! It's going to be published this Septemer, and then Vol. 6 is coming in December.

It seems Yen Press has picked up this project; I hope everything stays on schedule...

(Story by Jeon JinSeok, Art by Han SeungHee)
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