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Enid & Josh [05 Oct 2007|07:28am]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]insouciantbones)

Characters: Enid and Joshua
Setting: Out on the grounds, after she gets out of CoMC, and he gets out of Herbology
Summary: Joshua finally actually talks to his girlfriend, instead of keeping everything to himself or turning to his siblings.

Something witty this way comes )
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Present to Meg [05 Oct 2007|08:13am]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]adventurefiend)

Delivered to Meghan McCormack by care of House Elf )
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Florence & Roland [05 Oct 2007|11:16am]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]closetoinnocent)

Who: Roland and Florence
Where: A window ledge in a corridor, not extremely far from the Entrance Hall
When: 4 October, immediately after dinner
What: Costume discussions... and other things ;)
Status: AIM Log, complete
Rating: Very light PG

Roar if anyone tries to hurt her. Scare them away. Can you do that? )
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Sirius and Remus [05 Oct 2007|09:11pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]insidiousgrim)

Characters: Sirius & Remus
Setting: Their Dormitory, middle of the night
Summary: Sirius, plagued by bad dreams, cannot sleep. And so decides that Remus shouldn't sleep, either. He's thoughtful like that.

Puppy love is the best love )
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[ viewing | October 5th, 2007 ]
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