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May. 22nd, 2007 @ 07:57 pm (no subject)

Books read so far:
The Chosen, Sonny Whitelaw & Elizabeth Christensen

The Atlantis team find themselves embroiled in a political conflict when they come to a planet divided into those with the ATA gene and those without. Their well-meaning attempts to regulate this matter go south when the Wraith arrive to cull the planet and there's a war. Despite all this excitement and excellent characterization, it's fairly slow and plodding, hard to get through.

Count: 36
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Mar. 13th, 2007 @ 05:17 pm (no subject)

Books read so far:
The Boxcar Children, Gertrude Chandler Warner

It's a book that shows its age, but is relentlessly charming anyway. The writing is very specific for the period, using phrases such as 'dear old blank', and the continued refusal to use contractions in dialogue. But as a kid, this book always made me want to run off and live in the woods and make do with little money and only my own ingenuity. It still does.

Count: 19
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Jan. 11th, 2007 @ 12:06 pm (no subject)

Books read so far:
Girl With Glasses: My Optic History, Marissa Walsh

A series of short vignettes about a woman's life as a glasses-wearer. Occasionally funny, occasionally insightful, it's full of glasses-as-life metaphors and "important" quotes about glasses and eyesight.

Count: 2
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