Lunar Cry : A Post-Apocalyptic Final Fantasy Game's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Lunar Cry : A Post-Apocalyptic Final Fantasy Game

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[01 Dec 2014|07:57am]
Who: Balthier (as Thierry Joso) & open.
What: Shooting the breeze, getting people sloshy.
Where: Curiel, Balamb Town.
When: Monday, Dec 1st.
Warnings: TBD. Language probably.
Status: Incomplete.
Note: Balthier is on the clock from 4PM to 2AM. Just be sure to make note of the time somewhere in your reply.

Shifting up his arm garters for the umpteenth time, Balthier frowned at the mostly empty bar. )

[01 Dec 2014|06:40pm]
Who: Seifer and Quistis
When: Backdated to the morning of Nov 23
Where: A cabin in the mountains
What: Anniversary celebrations
Warnings: Language probably

Happy anniversary. )

[ viewing | December 1st, 2014 ]
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