Tuesday, May 17th, 2011

☾ scenario game & news!

Kudos this week go to the Brendan/Ryu log! Congratulations! Don't forget about the kudo box! Any log selected by the mods from the nominations for kudos will receive an extra .25 points, which will count toward an awakening (or if already awakened, battle points). Logs for nomination do not have to be current. As long as it's a log that hasn't been nominated before, we'll consider it! Check out the *hall of fame tag in [info]sonatas for past nominations!

The Scenario Game )

We're always open to hearing suggestions for plot, plot points, or other game details. If you have any suggestions or questions, don't hesitate to drop box them or email us at mods.nocturne@gmail.com.

Weather & News For May 17th - May 23rd )
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Tuesday, May 10th, 2011

☾ scenario game & news!

Our next Senshi/Knight awakening will take place in three weeks. Before that, another collector will be awakening, so keep your eyes peeled for that! Keep in mind that at any time you're welcome to log collectors and Senshi/Knights to get extra battle points. It doesn't have to be during an awakening!

Kudos this week go to the Luna awakening narration! Don't forget about the kudo box! Any log selected by the mods from the nominations for kudos will receive an extra .25 points, which will count toward an awakening (or if already awakened, battle points). Logs for nomination do not have to be current. As long as it's a log that hasn't been nominated before, we'll consider it! Lately it's been the same people nominating logs, so don't forget to get out there and browse what other people are doing and start nominating.

The Scenario Game )

We're always open to hearing suggestions for plot, plot points, or other game details. If you have any suggestions or questions, don't hesitate to drop box them or email us at mods.nocturne@gmail.com.

Weather & News For May 10th - May 16th )
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Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011

☾ scenario game & news!

Our next awakening is coming up later on this week, so keep your eyes peeled for an awakening post/activity check! Also please run the friend's add, as we've had some additions and removals.

No kudos this week because no logs were nominated. Don't forget about the kudo box! Any log selected by the mods from the nominations for kudos will receive an extra .25 points, which will count toward an awakening (or if already awakened, battle points). Logs for nomination do not have to be current. As long as it's a log that hasn't been nominated before, we'll consider it!

The Scenario Game )

We're always open to hearing suggestions for plot, plot points, or other game details. If you have any suggestions or questions, don't hesitate to drop box them or email us at mods.nocturne@gmail.com.

Weather & News For May 3rd - May 8th )
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Tuesday, April 26th, 2011

☾ weekly update & news!

We wanted to apologize for all the whackiness and lateness that's been going on around here lately. Most of that has been due to IJ's downtime - between that and trying to coordinate mod schedules to look at everything and discuss, we lagged a little in things like replying to questions and reading applications, so hopefully if this continues (fingers crossed that it won't) you'll all bear with us a little longer!

As such, there's no Scenario Game for this week so you can all have time to post on the one from last. That'll count for extra scenario points if it gets up before next week's mod post!

Please update your friend's lists though, since we've had a few additions, yay!

Winners for this week's Kudo Prize are: Lacy and Lawrence for their Lawrence betrays the Celestians(?) log! Congrats! Check the *hall of fame tag and the memories to see past nominations. Don't forget to nominate! Nominate nominate nominate!

Weather & News For April 26th - March 1st )
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Wednesday, April 20th, 2011

☾ scenario game & news!

Happy Easter week (and Passover!). Sorry for the lateness, everyone! This week will be the awakening of Gabe as a Collector. That can take place any time this week, so whenever all relevant parties are ready, go ahead and proceed! If there are any questions, feel free to ask.

Winners for this week's Kudo Prize are: Sephi, Brendan, and Lawrence for their Sailor Mercury awakening log! Congrats! Check the *hall of fame tag and the memories to see the other nominations. Don't forget to nominate! Logs for nomination do not have to be current. As long as it's a log that hasn't been nominated before, we'll consider it!

The Scenario Game )

We're always open to hearing suggestions for plot, plot points, or other game details. If you have any suggestions or questions, don't hesitate to drop box them or email us at mods.nocturne@gmail.com.

Weather & News For April 19th - April 24th )
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Friday, April 15th, 2011

Breaking News for April 16th. )
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Monday, April 11th, 2011

☾ scenario game & news!

Please update your Friend's lists! We've had some removals and additions.

For the removals: Because we've lost two Collectors in the last week or so, the Celestian COs have agreed to compensate with a small change in their roaster: In game, Josephine and Anna will both be sent to New York City first thing Wednesday in order to "kick off" the second phase of the Celestian's mission. That means that those of you whose characters have relationships with one or both of those two should have something to react to in a couple of days - it's likely that their move will be sudden and unplanned, so compensate with that however you'd like. The position of Uranus Knight is once more open for the taking during our next Knight awakening, which will be in four weeks.

Our next Collector awakening will be Gabe, and that will happen sometime late next week, so keep your eyes open for next week's mod post for information about that. A small plea, if anyone knows of anyone who might be interested in playing a collector, or if anyone is interested in picking one up, please consider it further! We're at the end of our PC list!

Winners for this week's Kudo Prize are: Sephi and Ryu for their flooding log! Congrats! Check the *hall of fame tag and the memories to see the other nominations. Don't forget to nominate! Logs for nomination do not have to be current. As long as it's a log that hasn't been nominated before, we'll consider it!

The Scenario Game )

We're always open to hearing suggestions for plot, plot points, or other game details. If you have any suggestions or questions, don't hesitate to drop box them or email us at mods.nocturne@gmail.com.

Weather & News For April 11th - April 17th )
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Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

☾ scenario game & news!

Winners for this week's Kudo Prize are: Josephine and Lawrence for the Josphine awakening log! Congrats! Check the *hall of fame tag and the memories to see the other nominations - there were only a couple this week, so don't forget to nominate! Logs for nomination do not have to be current. As long as it's a log that hasn't been nominated before, we'll consider it!

The Scenario Game )

We're always open to hearing suggestions for plot, plot points, or other game details. If you have any suggestions or questions, don't hesitate to drop box them or email us at mods.nocturne@gmail.com.

Weather & News For April 5th - April 10th )
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Monday, March 28th, 2011

☾ scenario game & news!

Winners for this week's Kudo Prize are: Brendan and Kiki for the pizza log! Congrats! Check the *hall of fame tag and the memories to see the other nominations - there were only a couple this week, so don't forget to nominate! Logs for nomination do not have to be current. As long as it's a log that hasn't been nominated before, we'll consider it!

Also run the friend's add, as we've had an addition!

This week we're starting something new - an update in the comments of the mod post each week will come from Pink to update everyone OOCly on what's going on with the Celestians. Some characters will be privy to this knowledge while some won't, but since Avaela and Varek don't use blogs, we thought this would be a good way to keep everyone abreast of what's happening. Keep your eyes peeled for that!

The Scenario Game: April Fool's Day Edition! )

We're always open to hearing suggestions for plot, plot points, or other game details. If you have any suggestions or questions, don't hesitate to drop box them or email us at mods.nocturne@gmail.com.

Weather & News For March 28th - April 3rd )
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Monday, March 7th, 2011

☾ scenario game & news!

The next Senshi/Knight awakening will happen sometime next week, so keep your eyes open for the activity check and tally post!

Winners for this week's Kudo Prize are: Drew, Noah, Kendra, Lacy, and Brendan for the first senshi meeting! Congrats! Check the *hall of fame tag and the memories to see the other nominations - there were a ton this last week!

This week we're doing a special Scenario Game, the details of which you can find under the cut. In relation to that, we'd also like to mention that those of you who have Collectors or Senshi can feel free to log collections or run-ins at any time you'd like. You needn't wait for an awakening to have a clash! Hopefully that wasn't unclear before. We'd love to see more violence some more interaction between our heroes and "villains," so just remember that if you'd like to log a battle, toss the mods an email and we'll calculate the winner and any damage you might like. That leads us to this week's scenario!

The Scenario Game )

We're always open to hearing suggestions for plot, plot points, or other game details. If you have any suggestions or questions, don't hesitate to drop box them or email us at mods.nocturne@gmail.com.

Weather & News For March 7th - March 13th )
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Monday, February 28th, 2011

☾ scenario game & news!
Info for this week:

The next collector to be awoken will be Josephine. Her awakening will take place sometime this weekend - the exact date is up to the Celestian higher-ups. We're sure by now that you known the drill!

We'd like to remind you all of the Kudo Box and inform you of te winner for this week. This week's prize goes to Smitty and Lacy! Congratulations! Check the *hall of fame tag to see the other nominations as well as past nominees!

We'd like to remind everyone of a couple key points from the FAQ now that more Senshi and Knights are awakening, so please take heed if your characters have been awoken or if you're playing a potential Senshi or Knight! Luna and Artemis, too!
  • Senshi and Knights are not reincarnations, so they will have no memories of the Silver Millennium or their Silver Millennium counterparts.

  • The Celestians have never visited our solar system before, so they are virtually unknown to everyone. Anything that has not been revealed in-game about their activities, including why they want the star seeds, what the full extent of their powers are, how many of them there are, what planet they come from, the name of their race, etc., is unknown to everyone currently in game (aside from the Celestians themselves, of course!). When we get a Sailor Pluto, she will be able to provide more information, but currently, you all are pretty much in the dark!

  • If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

  • The Scenario Game )

    We're always open to hearing suggestions for plot, plot points, or other game details. If you have any suggestions or questions, don't hesitate to drop box them or email us at mods.nocturne@gmail.com.

    Weather & News For February 28th - March 6th )
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    Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

    ☾ scenario game & news!
    Happy pretend Monday (for some of us)! Some info for you for this week:

    The next senshi/knight awakening will take place March 14th - in three weeks. The next collector will be awakened sometime next week, the exact date to be announced in next Monday's news post. Wonderful job on the double awakening! Those logs are still in progress, but they look great so far and probably aren't far from finishing, so we thought we'd put up the news for this week before it got too late.

    We'd like to remind you all of the Kudo Box, and inform our new member of its existence. There have been several entries for this week's kudo prize, so check out the *hall of fame tag to see the new additions! The winner of this week's prize is the Anna awakening log. Congrats!

    Please run the friend's button if you haven't recently, as we've had some removals and additions!

    The Scenario Game )

    We're always open to hearing suggestions for plot, plot points, or other game details. If you have any suggestions or questions, don't hesitate to drop box them or email us at mods.nocturne@gmail.com.

    Weather & News For February 22nd - February 27th )
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    Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

    Breaking News for February 16th. )
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    Monday, February 14th, 2011

    ♥ scenario game & news!
    Happy Valentine's Day! Some info for you for this week:

    The next senshi/knight awakening will take place February 21st - that's a week from today! Keep in mind that the window for Logs/entries/commenting for that awakening opened on Saturday and will close the night before the awakening. That means that logs that were started after Friday February 4th will count. Like the last Senshi awakening, we'll be posting a couple of nights before hand to do the log/entry count, to announce who will be awakening this time, and to do the activity check.

    Thanks to several of you, the Kudo Box has been a success, and we have our first kudo points to give away today! The winning log from last week is the Sailor Mars awakening log! That means that Lacy, Lawrence, and Smitty each get .25 points added to their battle score (if you don't know what that is, check out the update on the FAQ). Noah just gets cool points, since he has no powers - stay cool, Noah! There were several logs and threads nominated, all of which have been tagged with a special denotation by the mods. You can have a look here: *hall of fame (later. It will soon be ready).

    You also may have noticed that we have created an NPC journal for the game. Feel free to assume what you will about most of the characters that might come out of it, including who might know them, who might have them friended, etc. Also please run the friend's button if you haven't already!

    This is getting long winded, sorry, but also if you notice that your character doesn't have a tag in [info]sonatas and you need one, please let one of the mods know!

    The Scenario Game )

    We're always open to hearing suggestions for plot, plot points, or other game details. If you have any suggestions or questions, don't hesitate to drop box them or email us at mods.nocturne@gmail.com.

    Weather & News For February 14th - February 20th )
    (14 comments | Leave a comment)

    Monday, February 7th, 2011

    ☾ scenario game & news!
    Your weekly update: The next awakening is a collector awakening scheduled for this weekend. The collector to awake will be Anna ([info]partydontstart)! The logistics of this awakening are totally up to Eliza, so if those of you who are playing the Celestian officials would like anything particular to happen with this awakening, please contact Eliza! The next senshi/knight awakening will take place February 21st to give Sailor Mars some time to break her boots in. Keep in mind that the window for Logs/entries/commenting for that awakening opened on Saturday and will close the night before the awakening. That means that logs that were started after Friday February 4th will count.

    The Scenario Game )

    We're always open to hearing suggestions for plot, plot points, or other game details. If you have any suggestions or questions, don't hesitate to drop box them or email us at mods.nocturne@gmail.com.

    Weather & News For February 7th - February 13th )
    (8 comments | Leave a comment)

    Monday, January 31st, 2011

    ☾ announcements & activities!
    Howdy folks! Thanks for a great opening week - we've seen tons of activity and a lot of great interaction, so keep it up! We just wanted to remind you that the first Senshi or Knight awakening is this week; we've scheduled it for Friday, February 6th. Keep an eye out on Thursday for information regarding the awakening, including which Senshi or Knight will be awakened, and how the selection process will work.

    Before then, we have a neat little activity for you all to try that was suggested by Pink. If everyone likes it, we can do one or two of these every week or so. Here's how it works:

    The Scenario Game )

    Weather & News For January 31st - February 4th )

    ALSO PLEASE NOTE The club thread will be left open until this Thursday, since it looks like a few of you are still working on threads. Try to finish up this week!

    UPDATE ON THE SCENARIO GAME Characters have been randomly selected and notified of their positions and scenarios. Please confer with your scene partners and get a scene set up - remember, if you finish before Friday, the scene counts for two points instead of just one in Friday's awakening!
    (10 comments | Leave a comment)

    Monday, January 24th, 2011

    Breaking News for January 24th. )
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    Saturday, January 22nd, 2011

    ☾ open for business!
    Welcome to the game, everyone! We're so excited to have so many wonderful players and characters, and we hope you enjoy the game. Here are a few points of clarification before we begin, as well as some IC information for this week:

  • The game will run real-time, so each day that passes in real life is a day that passes in-game. Feel free to set up placeholders for logs or to backdate them if you're picky about dates! (As a reminder, all logs should contain the following information: who, what, where, when, and rating, with the body of the log under an lj-cut. You may also include a status if you'd like!)

  • There currently is no character limit, though muns are limited to one prospective Senshi and one prospective Knight each. We need more collectors, so if you're looking for another role to pick up, consider batting for the other team ;).

  • We have set up a list of tags for [info]sonatas, so please try and remember to tag your logs with the characters involved, the log's rating, and the log's type. If you don't remember, we'll do it for you.

  • Please update your friend's lists if you haven't already.

  • This week, we will be awakening the Celestian Lieutenant, Lawrence Kwon ([info]tythe), and the first Celestian collector, Andrew "Smitty" Smith ([info]fixit). Both will be awoken the night of January 27th at 12:00 AM. Since these aren't Senshi/Knight awakenings, we mods won't be putting up a log for the event, but Kate and Kenzie, feel free to put up a narrative or set a log during it! Barring that, we mods are also providing an opportunity for a group log during that time, which you can read more about below. If you have questions about anything regarding the awakening, just ask!

    Weather & News For January 22nd - February 4th )

    Let's get it started!
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