Dec. 17th, 2009


Rude Awakening


Rolling over, Katherine was not yet ready to wake up. Light was filtering through the drapes and the vampiress wanted nothing to do with it. Every so often, a brain decided to get more of a head start on things than the body was prepared for, like it wanted to sabotage its own internal clock. It was especially upsetting for those, like her, who were forced to rely on nocturnal hours. So it was that with fingers curling into the sheets, Katherine promptly decided to show the rays of the sun her backside and-

Wait, those weren't sheets. It was... Dirt. Squinting eyelids, dark locks of black hair were brushed away from face and... Who was cooking bacon?

With a sudden woof of flame, Katherine realised the 'who' of it was the sky and the 'bacon' was, well, her.

Having Choice Words )

Dec. 1st, 2009


Say Argh

Katherine was meeting with marginal success in Key West. The one good thing which was going for it seemed to be the nightlife, in the hedonistic vampire's view. Unless contracted for something, the brunette tended to spend her time in almost petty constant attempts to prove herself. But getting drunk and simply having fun tearing up either the local town - or just the locals in it - was ideal. Every so often, Katherine spent her time going to literal war zones, immersing herself in killing mentality where nobody would question finding corpses. More to the point, they provided her with a challenge, but then came the other times... Times when she got bored of them, like playing a particularly violent computer game for too long.

It was like that now. The island provided her with a place to simply sit back and enjoy things. With a mentality like Katherine's, though, it was not long before the impulsive need to do something won out.

Lucky Hayden. For it was into his bar the brunette had wandered, already just drunk enough to feel free-spirited and, as the hour wore on, seeming to veer between giving out an uproar of laughter in joking conversation and, somehow, taking exception to what were perceived as offensive comments or looks directed at her. The smiles of before always vanishing as she growled out a demand for an apology.

"An' if there's one thing I can - hey! That song! Leave that fucker on!"

Drunk in Public )

Fanged Embrace )

Nov. 14th, 2009


Retribution In Paradise

Katherine's arrival: )