Saturday, January 22nd, 2011

Date:2011-01-22 00:01
Subject:Volume I: I Fought Pirannhas

Let this go as a lesson. Never create yourself a blog, Twitter, or any other sort of social media experiment if you've any chance of a company-imposed radio silence.

When we last saw our hero, or heel if you wish, he'd influenced a group of men to high levels. However, a challenger appeared, took the hero's hard work, along with giving lashings to angry, winged men, and turned them into the Vatican.

I'll pause now to dodge lightning.

Still online? Perfect. I knew that if my employer could challenge God on a pay per view, a terrible joke about the Papacy in a blog few will read would even get a blink. For those who'd like to know, or care, I'm Wade Barrett. If you wish to call me anything else, ask first. Its a bit of a code not to, but most of us barely even recognize our birth names the longer we do this. But here's to you. all of you. If I need to be talked up beyond this, contact me at nexuswilding on Instant messenger. Of the AOL sort. God, can you tell I'm rambling and suffering for something else to add?

So. I'll turn the attention to you all. Tell me what's interesting to you today.

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