Monday, May 4th, 2009

Date:2009-05-04 22:27
Subject:We can pave new roads with the cold creed stones
Music:What If I Do ~ Foo Fighters

I am lucky (or perhaps unlucky) to be many things to many people.. A son, a friend, family, someone to look up to and more besides.. The only thing I know for sure is that I am me. Adam Copeland, a crazy Canadian geek with many dreams, one of which I'm living out each and every time I walk out to the ring. I've experienced many things, good, bad, sad and tough. I've made mistakes and learned from them and I'm hopefully not too bruised as a result.

Enough with all the deep thinking though, for some crazy reason I decided to go ahead and set up one of these journals. Why crazy you ask? Just about anyone will tell you I'm not a huge fan of the internet or computers but then what would these journals be if they weren't rated R, eh? *Grins*

When I get free time I can often be found honing my skills on the guitar, watching movies, working out, reading or listening to music. Music is the one thing besides wrestling that follows me everywhere.

As you can tell introductions aren't my strong point! If all this hasn't put you off and you want to poke around and see what makes me tick takeittotheedge on AIM is the way to do it.

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