Sacrificed Love
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immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2011-09-13 00:27
Subject: FIC: Sherlock Holmes and the Trouble of Mainting a Relationship
Security: Public
Tags:!fic, fandom: sherlock, pairing: lestrade/sherlock

I need to write more... The last story was in February! And although I signed up for two prompt tables and started working on the first fic, I somehow lost track of it. I really need to get back to that. Any way, this is something I completed in June... I asked for a beta, but must have picked a wrong time for it or something as nobody responded. Oh well, I finally decided to put it out there without a beta.

Title: Sherlock Holmes and the trouble of maintaining a relationship
Author: JE / [info]immortalje
Pairing: Sherlock/Lestrade
Summary: Sherlock and his relationship with Lestrade (in 4 parts)
Rating: FRAO - Adults only!!
Words: ~3,100
Warnings: Contains smut! With handcuffs and clothes still on...
AN: Not beta read.

Part 1: Wherein Sherlock thinkgs about his relationship with Lestrade )

Part 2: Wherein John realises something is going on with Sherlock and Lestrade )

Part 3: Wherein Sherlock and Lestrade have sex )

Part 4: Wherein they define their relationship )

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