Lord of the Rings Slash Fanfiction
2nd-May-2024 06:45 pm - Dentist [health: me]
It took me 250+ calls to finally get through to the North Wales Dental Helpline. And an hour from getting onto their telephone line to speaking to a person.

I now have an appointment to see a dentist - but in Rhyl (60 miles away) on Saturday. Really inconvenient, but as it was the first appointment offered I took it.

This entry was originally posted at https://lexin.dreamwidth.org/737929.html. You can comment here or there, it's up to you.

28th-Apr-2024 04:20 pm - Gaming - DnD5e [gaming]
Enjoying the fact that for the moment, and I don't know how long this will last, I'm not running any games and only participating. It's a pleasure not to have the endless preparation.

Looking forward to seeing how these games turn out.

This entry was originally posted at https://lexin.dreamwidth.org/737747.html. You can comment here or there, it's up to you.

25th-Apr-2024 01:36 pm - Dentist [health: me]
I still haven’t got through to the emergency dentist. I’m beginning to think they don’t exist.

This entry was originally posted at https://lexin.dreamwidth.org/737347.html. You can comment here or there, it's up to you.

22nd-Apr-2024 07:07 pm - Update [health: me]
I have broken a tooth. I am fed up. See me be fed up.

My old dentist refuse to treat me because I'm too heavy for their chairs, and the community dentists who I've been referred to say I'm not urgent enough according to their computer. Computer cannot be wrong.

I have been in touch with my original dentist as they "may" be able to increase my level of urgency.

Meanwhile, I'm in pain. And every time I eat or speak my tongue rubs against the broken tooth.

I've bought some Dentek but will have to try to apply it later as I'm about to start a game on Roll 20.

This entry was originally posted at https://lexin.dreamwidth.org/737028.html. You can comment here or there, it's up to you.

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