Lord of the Rings Slash Fanfiction
3rd-Jun-2007 07:39 am
The first post to this community... why not start as properly as possible? With a story *g*

This is a story written by me for someone on my flist last christmas, and it's just a bit of fun. Enjoy!

Author: pippychick
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Haldir/Legolas, ?/Legolas, ?/Haldir
Warnings: Explicit sex, M/M, Bondage, threesome, D/s, PWP
Disclaimer: None of the elves belong to me – they belong to Tolkien, and I am just borrowing them for a little while. I make no money from this.
Summary: Haldir is not pleased with Legolas… but he soon will be.

Pen Velui

“Hands,” his Master’s voice commanded softly, and Legolas stretched his arms out to the corners of the bed obediently. Face down, he turned his head to the side, opening his eyes behind the blindfold Haldir had just put on him. He could still smell the fresh air of his exhilarating ride back to Imladris. His skin was still flushed from the exercise, and in his mind, the slight edge of fear made him visibly tremble as the adrenaline refused to leave his muscles.

Haldir made no comment, and only pulled at his arms to make certain he was stretched out as far as possible. His ankles were already secured to the bottom corners, and Legolas bit back a desirous sigh as Haldir began to tie his wrists too. Would it really be punishment? Or maybe something else. Being away from the main house when Haldir turned up was not a crime that deserved anything very cruel… was it? How could he have known that this day Haldir would arrive? Legolas swallowed.

“Please, don’t hurt me,” he whispered, unable to guage Haldir’s reaction to his pleading while he couldn’t see, and so instead he strained his ears to catch any slight sound Haldir would make that might give Legolas a clue as to his intentions. He may as well have listened to the stars. Haldir was a Lórien elf. The only sound Legolas could catch was the rustling of material as Haldir secured his wrists.

At last it was done, and Legolas moved just slightly, as if to test the bindings that held him still and spread out on the bed. He moaned when he couldn’t seem to do anything other than twitch helplessly – Haldir always knew how to do this to him. How? How had it got to this point, where the desire to please had turned him into a kind of slave? Legolas couldn’t recall it, but he loved it nevertheless, and he whimpered submissively when he felt one fingernail drag slowly down his spine.

“Are you even ready for me?” Haldir enquired, his voice so deep and soft that Legolas shivered. He knew what Haldir meant – and he wasn’t, was he? That finger moved lower, until it dipped between the cleft of his spread buttocks, and Legolas cleared his throat.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, Master!” Instinctively, he struggled as if to get away before Haldir could discover that he wasn’t ready, that he hadn’t bothered to prepare himself before the ride today, because he really didn’t expect Haldir to arrive so early.

Then it was too late, and he heard Haldir sigh as if in disappointment. “Please, forgive me. I did not expect –”

I expect,” Haldir announced, cutting off his words casually. “That should be enough for you.” The touch of Haldir’s finger had left him, but now it came back, slippery with oil, and Legolas moaned as his member began to get hard already, just at the promise.

Did it mean there was to be no punishment? Legolas had no choice but to submit when Haldir’s finger entered him, rubbing the oil into the walls of his passage, and he began to feel hot and needy, moaning and attempting to move into the intrusive touch.

“You may thank me for my mercy,” Haldir noted dangerously.

“Thank you,” Legolas breathed, repeating the sentiment every time Haldir’s finger invaded him. Before long, a toy of Haldir’s was being put to use, Legolas moaning when he felt the phallus entering him instead, stretching him so that he would be able to take Haldir’s girth more easily.

When the preparation was at last over, Legolas was left alone for a long moment, and he knew what he was now. He was tied to the bed, legs spread, his passage lubricated and stretched, ready for Haldir to use him. The thought of himself as merely something for Haldir to use aroused him even further, and he made small movements against the bed, just unable to move enough to end it. All he could do was excite himself more, and soon he stopped moving in defeat while Haldir laughed softly at him.

“Please…” Legolas groaned.

“Please, what?” Haldir asked, and Legolas knew for certain that the Lórien elf was smirking. What was required next never failed to show him his place, and Legolas loved it even as it made him blush and cringe in embarrassment.

“Please, take me. Use me. I am yours.” There was a soft groan of desire from the Lórien elf at that, and it was so unusual to hear anything accidental from Haldir that he automatically twisted his head towards the sound – but of course he couldn’t see.

Silence again for a little while, until Legolas was ready to beg again, but then fingertips trailed up over the back of his calves, over the sensitive skin of his thighs as the elf climbed gracefully onto the bed behind him, and he sighed in pleasure at the soft touch. Something wasn’t right though… Legolas couldn’t say what it was, only that it felt strange.

“Master?” he said quietly, and once more he heard the elf behind him groan. It became clearer to Legolas what was wrong, although he still couldn’t frame the thought, and he began to tremble as the fingertips left off their teasing. Strong hands massaged his buttocks firmly now, so unlike anything Haldir had ever done before that Legolas gulped audibly.

The hands stopped their restless movement, only to pull the globes of flesh apart, revealing his hidden entrance, and Legolas felt the cool air against his skin. He could imagine Haldir looking at him, and he twitched again against the sheets, tormenting himself once more.

One of the hands left, and then Legolas felt the head of his Master’s erection against his opening, not quite entering him, just teasing for now. Weight settled on him, and whatever was wrong was still wrong. It was terrible – because the weight was too much, too heavy for Haldir.

“Oh, please!” Legolas whimpered, unable to quite bring himself to say the no that was building in him. “P-please!”

As if in answer, the hardness pressed against his opening and slowly entered him. He felt it, every single inch sliding against the walls of his passage, how it became easier when the head of the elf’s erection passed the ring of muscle, and he began to cry, because he knew now what was wrong. Because he could feel it.

“Master,” he sobbed carelessly, over and over again, as the hot flesh began to move back and forth inside him. He became louder, hoping that if he said it often enough he would make it real, and because if he concentrated on the word, he could blot out the groans of pleasure that came from behind him. Noises that couldn’t possibly belong to careful, precise, silent Haldir. But however loudly he called out, still not daring to protest, he couldn’t forget the way he was claimed, and he couldn’t fail to understand what was happening, because it didn’t feel like Haldir. It wasn’t Haldir. He was being given to someone else as a gift or a amusing diversion.

Yet despite his knowledge, he still didn’t dare to voice it aloud, and so he bore the penetration without ever protesting, although he cried piteously, and begged for Haldir to speak to him. He received nothing though – neither confirmation or denial, and it carried on and on, until Legolas began to moan through his tears, because however his mind might feel about the betrayal, his body knew what pleasure was and reacted to it accordingly.

He couldn’t move, and he didn’t, forced to accept the slow rocking motion of the elf claiming him, until his moans were purely those of pleasure. And it was only when he reached this place of surrender and calm that Haldir spoke to him.

“Shh, Legolas.” He felt another set of hands untying the blindfold, and he opened his eyes after a long moment to find Haldir regarding him intently. At last, here was the proof, although it wasn’t needed, that it was someone else who moaned and used his body for their pleasure. When Legolas had taken his fill of Haldir’s beautiful features and silver hair, he began to struggle.

There wasn’t much he could do, and he cried out in hopeless frustration when all he managed was a wriggle a little beneath the other elf’s weight. One of the elf’s hands slid beneath his body to hold his shoulder; the other rested lightly on his hip, and then he heard a laugh.

“Easy, roch neth alag!” the stranger’s voice exclaimed in obvious amusement. In response, Legolas only struggled still further, until the elf who was still buried deep inside him – no – who was still taking him while his struggles went on, laughed and kissed the back of his neck.

The stranger stopped laughing then to moan throatily. “You feel even better when you’re fighting,” he advised .

“Oh!” Legolas choked in disgust and stilled immediately. Although his blindfold was removed, he still couldn’t look around to see who it was Haldir had chosen, and that was the worst part of all. Was it someone he saw everyday? Perhaps someone he ignored?

He tried to think – he really did – but with his submission the gentle thrusting began to feel soothing and pleasurable again, and Legolas closed his eyes as the elf slid out of him, almost all the way, and then back deep into him. His breath hitched every time the elf pulled back, and his body tightened a little. He could feel it – and he knew the stranger could feel it, because he actually growled in pleasure.

“Well – I thought this would be a punishment for you,” Haldir remarked, coming back to sit at the head of the bed again, his fingers stroking lightly through Legolas’ hair. “But I do believe you are enjoying it!”

“No! I’m not… not enjoying it,” Legolas protested. The elf’s movements speeded up then, just for an instant, and Legolas clenched around him.

“Ohh… please…” he moaned helplessly, the cry of pleasure startled from him, and when they both laughed, he shivered.

“Stop…” he pleaded, and to his surprise it did stop, but that didn’t make it any easier. With the other elf still inside him, Legolas fully appreciated how large he was, and he whimpered a little as his body trembled around the invader.

“Are you asking to be silenced, Legolas?” Haldir asked, his words heavy with innuendo so that the elf who was currently using him chuckled and Legolas blushed. He wanted to say no, but the punishment he would earn for that was unimaginable. And besides, he did so want to please Haldir, even now, even when his Master was laughing at him.

“I think you do,” Haldir drawled, his eyes sparkling with mischief when Legolas nodded mutely in defeat, unable to help licking his lips when he thought of it.

But as Haldir uncovered himself and came closer, Legolas began to feel crowded and vulnerable. His slighter form was covered completely, the warmth of the other elf’s skin against his back, and Haldir’s body cut off his view, so that all he seemed to be able to see, sense, touch and taste was the two of them.

Struggling a little to express his discomfort only earned him punishment, and he hissed in pain when Haldir pulled harshly at his hair to hold his head still as he pushed his hardness against Legolas’ lips. Legolas breathed in Haldir’s scent involuntarily before opening his mouth to let the Lórien elf inside, letting out a startled cry as the other elf began to move inside him again.

Between them they seemed hellbent on torturing him. At times the other would be pulling away from him while Haldir dominated his mouth, stealing his breath. And at other times both of them filled him simultaneously, so that tears of helplessness came to his eyes as he was almost crushed between their demands on him.

And Haldir was right – he couldn’t protest now. He still couldn’t even really move, except to give them both more pleasure, and he began to do that, thinking it would likely be over more quickly that way.

Since he was so inundated with the sense of two bodies that were taking him so intimately, Legolas didn’t immediately register the sound – and when he did it took a moment or two before he understood what it meant.

They were kissing each other! He couldn’t move his head to see it, but he could hear them, and Legolas let out a slight sound of protest despite the presence of Haldir before he felt his Master’s hand in his hair, urging him closer, making him swallow that hard rod of flesh again.

Fresh tears of humiliation dampened his cheeks as the two carried on using him, lost in each other as their bodies speeded up, until it hurt to be taken so roughly. Haldir came first, some of the seed filling Legolas’ mouth before his Master pulled away deliberately to let the last of his seed land on Legolas’ face and neck.

There was no time for Legolas to really register the way Haldir disrespected him though, for the other elf was so large inside him he truly felt he would break, and he rested his cheek on the soft bed as Haldir let him go, the taste of Haldir’s seed on his tongue and lips as he cried out.

“Please!” he moaned, realising that he was begging for the other elf to find release and have an end to it, but unable to take it back. When the elf came, although he didn’t find release himself, Legolas’ breathing stalled, his body spasming as he felt the heat filling his insides, making him moan in pleasure and fulfillment.

“Oh, you were made to be taken like this, pen velui,” the other elf said softly, still resting inside him as he softened, and Legolas took a deep breath in shock, because he knew who it was.

A memory of Glorfindel came to him now. In fact it was the only time the Captain of Imaldris had spoken to him, when he had been training with his bow, and the Captain of Imladris’ army had watched him casually for a moment or two before saying sincerely: “You were made to be an archer, pen velui.”

Legolas gave the reply he had then, remembering how that little bit of attention along with the affectionate address had earned him desirous and envious looks from the other young trainees. As he blushed at the compliment, so he blushed now, because although Glorfindel had used him, it was still a kind of compliment.

“Thank you, Captain.”

Glorfindel chuckled and withdrew from him at last, his sheer size even now making Legolas gasp. He moaned then and moved as much as he could against the sheets, desperate to come now that he knew his Master had chosen Glorfindel for him.

“Stop, Legolas!” Haldir commanded, and Legolas fell still immediately as Haldir untied him and turned him over so that they could see how aroused he still was. A soft, damp cloth wiped over his face as he closed his eyes in fresh humiliation.

“Did he please you?” Haldir asked Glorfindel casually, and Legolas listened for the reply, wanting to hear that Glorfindel had enjoyed it to be with him.

“Oh, yes, Haldir! You know I think your idea is a good one. I will be happy to watch him for you.” Legolas felt the colour drain from his face as Glorfindel spoke, understanding that ‘watch’ meant much more than that, and he turned to look at Haldir, shaking his head a little when his Master smiled at him knowingly.

“I think you should thank him for agreeing to help you, Legolas. After all, he will teach you to please me while I am away.” Legolas closed his eyes and moaned, almost yelping when he felt two hands touching his member, and all thought of resistance fled from him then.

“Thank you!” he called out again and again, noticing how the two of them rewarded him every time he did so. When Haldir commanded him to come, he saw Glorfindel nod and smile at his Master, and although it made Legolas blush, it also made him so hot he thought he would die, and he followed his Master’s command so completely that it was a while before he became aware of his surroundings again.

He was laid between them on the bed, sated now and happy. He wondered about the kiss Haldir and Glorfindel had shared, and bit his lip in confusion. Did either of them really want him? Or did they just use him while they wanted each other?

He thought on that for a while, as Haldir’s hand rested on his midriff and his face was pressed against Glorfindel’s chest so that he could feel the warmth and the deep, even breathing – and he realised he had his answer. He moved to test it out, and felt Haldir’s hand tighten to pull him closer, even as Glorfindel almost seemed to growl possessively, and he giggled.

“What are you giggling at?” Haldir asked in a lazy voice, and Legolas quietened. He didn’t dare to say anything so frivolous as the fact that he would be a fool now if he didn’t disobey Haldir again.

“If you’re thinking about what else you might receive the next time your sweet body is not ready for me, just remember that on this visit, I left my whip at home.”

Chastened, Legolas calmed down, and wriggled submissively against Haldir’s warm body.

“I am sorry, Master,” he said softly. Haldir only grunted kind of elegantly in response, and Legolas smiled. He wouldn’t be inviting the whip… at least he didn’t think so…

~ finis ~

pen velui – sweet one
roch neth alag - wild, young horse
(thanks go to Esteliel for the Sindarin)

Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it :)

3rd-Jun-2007 03:00 pm (UTC)
I love this story - it is so hot and I have to read it slowly to get every single nuance. Yes! Legolas was made to be a little slave and in spite of his protests he enjoys it so much!

Thanks for posting this - wondering what to post of mine now. :) *silly grin time* Binky x
5th-Jun-2007 10:52 pm (UTC)
Thank you, Binky :)

You know... this is what people get when they ask me for "fluff" *giggles*

Glad you enjoyed it!
5th-Jun-2007 09:30 pm (UTC)
Well, that answers my question about "is it okay to post explicit stuff"! Thanks for sharing that. I like the gentle, easy tone and the suggestion that these characters know each other really well. I get the feeling you've been writing them for some time.
5th-Jun-2007 10:54 pm (UTC)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it - and yes, you can post explicit stories here.

Please post explicit stories here ;)

25th-Jul-2007 05:18 pm (UTC)
Hello! Sorry for being off-topic, but when I can't find a Welcome! post, I use the first post that has been made instead.
I wanted to tell you that your community has been added to [info]fandomdirectory, which is supposed to be a point of reference for fandomers on InsaneJournal. 'Your' entry is here, and if there is a change in community rules or anything else that needs updating, just leave a comment!
Of course, in case you don't want to be listed, just tell me and I will take the entry down.

(Oh, while I'm at it, are there plans on sorting the entries by tags or memories sometime in the future? Knowing that LOTR is one of the really huge fandoms, it would make searching for fic way easier.)
7th-Dec-2007 07:37 am (UTC)
mm, what a nice treat to start the morning with. Stumbled upon this by accident and enjoyed it very much.
20th-Oct-2009 01:42 am (UTC)
Oh my god! Yummy yummy! I definitely want to read more with these particular elves. I just adore Glorious Glorfindel, loverly Haldir, and exasperating, stubborn Legolas! Hell, anything with any one of these three elves in a pairing, man/elf or elf/elf is just dandy with me. :D
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