Lord of the Rings Fan Fiction Recommendations

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Last call for Dom/Elijah recs Nov. 30th, 2009 @ 10:56 pm
And that's the end of the Dom/Elijah recs challenge. Thanks to cara_dee on LJ for the recs and to others who commented or helped me track down links there, on Dreamwidth, and by e-mail. We never close comments on the posts at [info]lotr_fic_recs, so if you have another Dom/Elijah fic to rec but it didn't work out for you this month, just comment on the LJ entry when you can. [info]elanorgardner will post a new challenge in the next day or two.

Rec Challenge: Dom/Elijah RPS Nov. 1st, 2009 @ 10:12 pm
It's been quite a while since we did a challenge for an RPS pairing, and this one's an old favorite of mine.


Recommend a good Real Person Slash story that is focused on the pairing of Dominic Monaghan/Elijah Wood -- any rating, any time period -- which was not recommended in the previous challenges. Post your recommendation as a comment at the LJ challenge entry please. If the fic is no longer available online, give us the information you have anyway, and maybe someone else can help you track it down.

Actually, a lot of the fics that were recommended in previous challenges have since disappeared, been taken down, or gone behind f-lock. Please take a look at the list over on LJ and comment if you know of public copies of the fics. I did some searching earlier today andound a few.

It's been just over three years since the last time we called for Dom/Elijah recs here at the comm. I hope people have lots of recs to share this month. Thanks in advance for your help!

REMINDER – REC THE RECCERS Oct. 16th, 2009 @ 08:38 pm
This challenge was requested by the community, so we know there are some recs out there! Likely you folks are just really crazy busy as the year rolls through this lovely season and on toward the holidays, so here we go with a friendly reminder.

Please come on over to [info]lotr_fic_recs and recommend the reccers – give us links to your favorite individuals and groups who have lists of recommended stories in the LotR fandom and be sure to link to their actual rec page or pages!

Recommend as many reccers as you like, as often as you like, just be sure to use our special rec site template.

The challenge entry is over on LJ here.

Please advertise the challenge in your own journal or in any communities where individuals might be interested.


REC THE RECCERS!! Oct. 2nd, 2009 @ 02:17 pm
Well, we are in that lovely "school just started, pre-holiday, people are busy, Mercury is in retrograde" period where the recs just kind of slump a bit. But the goal of this community is to gather as many of the good recs for LotR stories as we can – to provide footprints for future fans to follow to all the good stuff in the fandom.


A lot of LotR web sites are disappearing, LiveJournals of individual fans and communities are being deleted or going silent, and, as we have found in our challenges, even some stories and novels are gone except for the precious private hoards of some fans. In light of this and in light of our community's vision, I would like to make our next challenge a rather important one for posterity.

Between now and November 1st, please recommend the reccers – give us links to your favorite individuals and groups who have lists of recommended stories in the LotR fandom and be sure to link to their actual rec page or pages!

In a future challenge we will be asking for your recs of archive sites and of individual author sites. Meanwhile, please make each recommendation one comment to make it easier on our readers!

For this one, we have a special template for your rec. Please use it. As usual, we recommend that you copy and paste:

LiveJournal is the primary home of [info]lotr_fic_recs. Individuals who do not have an LJ are welcome to post recommendations anonymously or through OpenID on the challenge post here. If you prefer not to even comment in LJ, feel free to make your recommendation in a comment on this post in your journal of choice. We will link to it here.


Last call for birthday recs Sep. 30th, 2009 @ 02:13 pm
Hi everybody, we still haven't had any recs of fics involving a character's birthday. If you've got any, please comment on the challenge entry from September 1st. We'll be moving on to a new challenge tomorrow. Thanks,
Other entries
» New Challenge: Birthdays
Um, hi! I guess I forgot to crosspost at the beginning of this month. I'm sorry about that! Anyway, in honor of today being Frodo and Bilbo's birthday, all this month we're looking for recs of fics about anyone's birthdays - could be LotR characters or the actors who play them. It's a challenge we've never done before and there haven't been any recs yet, even though I know this is a theme in a whole lot of great fics. So, if you know of some good ones, please tell us about them over here on LJ. Thank you!
Our latest challenge in the Lord of the Rings Fan Fiction Recommendations Live Journal Community, otherwise known as [info]lotr_fic_recs, is complete. The challenge was to recommend fics that contain a memorable portrayal of Gollum which was not recommended in the original challenge.

We appreciate those of you who participated in this challenge. Thank you so very much! The results are found on lj here.

Feel free to continue to rec stories for this challenge until [info]sophinisba puts up our next challenge tomorrow.

Thanks for all your hard work on behalf of the fandom!
» REMINDER – Portrayal of GOLLUM
Well, we are wrapping up this challenge on Monday, so last chance to come on over to [info]lotr_fic_recs and recommend fics that contain a memorable portrayal of Gollum.

Recommend as many as you like, as often as you like AND remember, you can recommend one of your own fics now as long as you recommend something by another author first.

The challenge entry is over on LJ here.

Please advertise the challenge in your own journal or in any communities where individuals might be interested.


» REMINDER – Portrayal of GOLLUM
Don't forget sometime this month to come on over to [info]lotr_fic_recs and recommend fics that contain a memorable portrayal of Gollum.

Recommend as many as you like, as often as you like AND remember, you can recommend one of your own fics now as long as you recommend something by another author first.

The challenge entry is over on LJ here.

Please advertise the challenge in your own journal or in any communities where individuals might be interested.


Between now and September 1st, please recommend a good story that contains a memorable portrayal of Gollum.

We have never done this particular challenge before, believe it or not, so there are no previous responses to list. Please recommend as many as you like, as often as you like. AND remember, you can recommend one of your own fics now as long as you recommend something by another author first.

It doesn't matter if the fic is now unavailable online -- tell us about it anyway. Perhaps someone may know where it is hiding these days!
Please copy and paste the items below into your comment to make sure you include everything that readers may need to find the fic, if it is still available:

All the components of a rec are explained here. The community process and the rules are here.

Feel free to respond to other comments if you'd like to second someone's rec, mention something else you like about the fic, or say thank you. Since this is a reccing comm and not a fic debate or discussion comm, we don't allow negative comments about fics, but we do believe in sharing the squee. :)

LiveJournal is the primary home of [info]lotr_fic_recs. Individuals who do not have an LJ are welcome to post recommendations anonymously or through OpenID on the challenge post here. If you prefer not to even comment in LJ, feel free to make your recommendation in a comment on this post in your journal of choice. We will link to it here.
Come on over and join in the fun!
» Last Call for Lothlórien Recs
We'll be moving on to a new challenge tomorrow, so if you have any more Lothlórien recs, please post them now. Thanks to everyone who participated!
» Reminder: Lothlórien
Lothlorien movie

We are still looking for fics set in Lothlórien. Many thanks to [info]claudia603 and new member [info]seven_of_velvet for contributing so far. This challenge will be open through the rest of July. If you can't think of a good Lórien fic yourself maybe someone on your f-list can, so help us out by spreading the word. Thanks, everyone. Lórien challenge
» New challenge: Set in Lórien
Lothlorien illustration by Greg and Tim Hildebrandt

Here's a challenge we've never done before! Please rec a fic good Lord of the Rings fic (or several) set in the forest of Lothlórien. This might be from the Fellowship's time there after Moria but could also take place at any other time in the history of Middle-earth – any genre, pairing, rating, etc. If you'd like to talk about a longer fic that has some significant scenes set in Lórien, that's good too, just be sure to mention it in the rec.

Please leave your comments at the latest entry on our LJ community so we can keep all the recs in one place. Thanks so much, everybody.
Our latest challenge in the Lord of the Rings Fan Fiction Recommendations Live Journal Community, otherwise known as [info]lotr_fic_recs, is complete. The challenge was to recommend a good story which depicts "bondage" and was not recommended in the original challenges.

Feel free to add more of your fav bondage stories until the next challenge goes up later on today!

The results for the challenge are found over here on LJ.

Thanks for your hard work!
Again, an excuse to use this pic....

I am BEHIND! I must rec something but RL keeps knocking me on my rear. You must rec something too!

Please come on over to [info]lotr_fic_recs and recommend a good story which depicts "bondage" and was not recommended in the original challenges. Recommend as many as you like, as often as you like AND remember, you can recommend one of your own fics now as long as you recommend something by another author first.

The challenge entry is over at LJ here.

Please advertise the challenge in your own journal or in any communities where individuals might be interested.

» Last Call for Sean A. Recs
You guys, I'm really sorry I forgot to do a reminder post earlier, but since we're coming to the end of the month we're also coming to the end of the Sean Astin challenge. Thanks to Mews, Anne, telstar109, and [info]msilverstar for your recs! Feel free to continue to post recs of fics with a memorable portrayal of Sean Astin here or check out other people's recs.

[info]elanorgardener or I will be posting a new challenge tomorrow. Thanks for your help, everyone.
Here's a rec challenge for Lotrips fans: this month we're asking you to recommend good fanfics featuring Sean Astin. We've done this challenge just once, three years ago, and only got four recs, so there should be a lot of room for you to rec new fics, especially since I know a lot of people are continuing to write Sean/Elijah these days. The main challenge entry with links to previous Sean A. recs is here on LJ and we'd like to collect the new recs there too, but if you'd really prefer to do it here on IJ then that's cool.

Should we start mirroring on Dreamwidth now? Thoughts?
» REC CHALLENGE – Frodo/Aragorn
Our latest challenge in the Lord of the Rings Fan Fiction Recommendations Live Journal Community, otherwise known as [info]lotr_fic_recs, is complete. The challenge was to recommend fics featuring the Frodo/Aragorn pairing which was not recommended in the original challenge.

We appreciate those of you who participated in this challenge, which was dedicated to our beloved [info]lorie945 aka Laura Mason. The results are found on LiveJournal here.

Feel free to continue to rec stories for this challenge until [info]sophinisba puts up our next challenge tomorrow.

Thanks for all your hard work on behalf of the fandom!
So, there are no more good Frodo/Aragorn stories out there that have not already been recommended, eh? Well, we are half way through our Frodo/Aragorn challenge, in honor of [info]lorie945, so if there happen to be any stories that haven't been recommended, come over and make sure our list of good fics for this particular pairing is complete.

Come over to the challenge post on LJ -- here and recommend fics featuring the Frodo/Aragorn pairing that were not recommended in previous Interspecies challenges.

Recommend as many as you like, as often as you like AND remember, you can recommend one of your own fics now as long as you recommend something by another author first.

Please advertise the challenge in your own journal or in any communities where individuals might be interested.

Our first monthly challenge is dedicated to our beloved [info]lorie945 and we need our members to pitch in and make sure our list of good fics for this particular pairing is complete.

So please come on over to [info]lotr_fic_recs and recommend fics featuring the Frodo/Aragorn pairing that were not recommended in previous Interspecies challenges.

Recommend as many as you like, as often as you like AND remember, you can recommend one of your own fics now as long as you recommend something by another author first.

The challenge entry is over here.

Please advertise the challenge in your own journal or in any communities where individuals might be interested.

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