Lost Fables: The Out Of Character Community's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Lost Fables: The Out Of Character Community

Lost Fables

An OC-style fable game based in California.
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Hello! I'm Jewels and I'm brand new. I won't bore you with details about me and just get onto Sleeping Beauty. This is Miriam Larkin. Miriam is 31 and finally graduating college because well the last time she tried to attend college, she crashed and burned thanks to her sleeping disorder. Not exactly narcolepsy but she just falls asleep alot. It's not because you're boring, honest.

She works as a manager at the Yarn store, but she is training to be a nurse. Go her. She's a sweet girl for the most part, if you can look past the sleeping and the completely rigorous schedule that she keeps herself on so that she doesn't fall asleep. She doesn't deal well with distractions and people bringing things up out of the blue. But she's nice. And she's open for all plots.

Meme! [09.06.2013]

It's Meme Time )

Back. Mostly. I think. [08.29.2013]

Okay. So, as far as I can tell, my two week-ish long pity party is finally over, and I don't feel like killing everything i see, which means I am back in action, and just in time for the big Ball on Saturday!

Which brings me to my next question. For the Ball, would you like one big group thread, or just to post individual threads?


Sorry about being MIA this weekend, work got frustrating. To the point where I almost walked out and said fuck it. Anywho, I do not close tomorrow or Tuesday, so I will be around at night and Wednesday I have off. Hopefully I will be less pissed this coming weekend. To make up for is I post with Gerard. Love you all.


Meme! [08.22.2013]

I will try and put up a meme for you to have fun with once a month. I like them because they're fun, and sometimes they end up leading to plot! Hooray!

Meme below cut. )


Yes, it's me with two more characters? Surprised? You shouldn't be if you know me a little lol Today I bring you The Prince from The Little Mermaid and The Evil Fairy from Sleeping Beauty (but she has bits from Maleficent too because, well, Maleficent is a badass and I adore her). Ladies first:

- Evil Fairy/Maleficent || Katharine Doyle: In a few words, Kat is a cruel manipulative heartless lawyer. Nothing about her in sincere, except maybe her smile after sex if she's satisfied. She uses people for her own good, isn't against betraying people and will do anything to win a case. She doesn't care if her client is guilty or not as long they have money. So yes, she's a manipulative bitch, but she can be also quite alluring and nice if she needs something from you. So not all is bad? Kind of? lol Her full bio is HERE.

- The Prince || Leo Franklin: Leo is an adventurous, charming and happy 22 year old guy. The ocean and art are hiw two passions in life, and he could never give up either of them. That's why while he got a job as the new art teacher at Newport High School, he's getting a Master degree in Marine Biology. And he still manage to have time to go sailing every weekend. His full bio is HERE.

Best friends, friends, enemies, future/past love interests... Anything! :D You know where to find me to plot!

mary xoxo

Half way there [08.21.2013]

Just over half way through the month and we have grown from six characters to 19 with a bunch more on the holds list! Great job with activity and interacting. Remember, the ball is coming up, so start preparing who ever is attending. Want to make an outfit? Use Polyvore for that and show them off. It will be a group thread, so everyone can have fun and mingle! Also, a small side plot with Thora Laken is on Monday with the #DayofTruth, which will be a group Media post as a Twitter/Facebook #tag for anyone who is interested in not lying when talking with people, Remember, this can end horribly or magnificently. Either way, enjoy it if you want to!

Finally, we add yet another lovely character with Mary bringing us the Evil Fairy, Katharine Doyle, so Run it! and remember, O'DOYLE RULES!



Please, would you tell me why your cat grins like that? )


Run it! Because the characters just keep coming. Griff brings us the Cheshire Cat and FJ gives us Belle!

all right, you guys, just a quick head's up! [08.19.2013]

I am counting on the fact that this doesn't escalate but given the kind of crap weather we've been getting, I'm making this post, anyway.

We have a storm somewhere in the north of this country (for reference, I live in the Philippines) and while that by no means directly affects the city I live in, it does affect the monsoon which has been making it rain here for three days now. And you may or may not know this but the same thing happened last year annnd the floods swallowed up most of the first floor of our house. :| We've since moved to a higher place but we're still looking out for the worst.

Having said that, if I suddenly disappear and become in communicado, then you know why. ♥

Friend button again! [08.17.2013]

Run it again because Kassi has no self control, and has brought you Mica Danvers // Ariel


HELLO EVERYONE!!! I'm Mary (as many of you know because, you know, I stalk you and stuff ;P) and I bring you Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) and Snow White :D I have other two on the oven cooking, Prince from The Little Mermaid and the Evil Fairy from Sleeping Beauty, and hopefully I'll finish them soon! But back to these two:

- Snow White || Nieve Linwood; Nieve is 24. She was born and raised in Newport. She's a sweet, kind and giddy girl and works as a primary school teacher. Her mother died days after she was born, and for a long time it was just her father and her. But then came her evil step mother who tried to pretty much kill her giving her a slice of cake with apples in it (she's allergic) and she fell on the pool and she almost drowned. Lucky for her, Luca was there to save her. They dated for a while, but it didn't last. She still dreams about her prince charming coming to save her and finally have a happy ending. Her full bio is HERE.

- Gaston || Caius Halloran; Cai is a 25-year-old arrogant asshole, as simple as that. But he's a loveable one, or so he likes to think. He thinks beautiful women should not read or study, because they get stupid ideas in their heads about independency and being strong and then they won't sleep with him. *pets him* But he's a nice guy once you pass that and his big mouth. He has an awesomely epic bromance going with Luca and has probably been slapped by all the women in Newport someway or the other. His full bio is HERE.

Plot is LOVE! They need friends, past/future love interests, enemies,... Anything! :D You can find on AIM @ ParisNymph or send me an email to parisnymph@gmail.com :)

Looking forward to playing with you all!

mary xoxo

Friend Button Time! [08.17.2013]

Run it to add in new player Mary with Caius Halloran//Gaston and Nieve Linwood//Snow White!


HI HELLO, I'M ACTUALLY HERE. I didn't apply just so I could disappear in thin air~ Life got a bit busy for me. There was a job interview that lasted the whole day and then just when I thought I'd finally be able to intro myyy Mac's battery suddenly freaked out and I spent the whole day moping over it and all the scary things the service center told me about broken Macs. :<

BUT I am here! Just probably not as available as I'd like to be seeing as I have no permanent machine rn and I am just squatting on my dad's semi-broken one and my sister's old, hella-broken one. XD;; BUT HELLO! My name is Liv! I live in a strange place in a strange time and I am also considerably old. :D Or idk, depends on your age. Spice Girls were my jam, there.

But here is Royce! His full name is Royce Raymund Courtright annnd he is the game's version of the Prince from the Sleeping Beauty! Or Prince Philip if you would have his Disney counterpart. He's 32! And is pretty rich with a house by the sea made for garden parties and his family owns a horse ranch just down in Seal Rock which is taking all his time now. He was in and out of Oregon during his younger days, studying in France and then chilling in London but now he's here to stay! Aside from riding horses, he also enjoys fencing and gardening. Har har.

Personality-wise, he's not a bad guy! Insert prince-like traits here, typical wealthy heir person, with lots of love for the good and the brave and, well, love. HE LOVES ADVENTURES! And breaking the rules, kind of. He also likes the idea of Soul Mates and Waiting for the Right One and stuff. Anyway, he would love friends! And maybe even exes. Customers of the horse ranch? Employees? Any and all relationships and backstories are love!

Also if you need to reach me, I am found in all the places that matter. :D I am slidersjoypops@AIM or you can e-mail me at islivonmars @gmail if you want to be sure to reach me. Failing those, there's my magical drop box over at [info]54! Orrr there is also Royce's drop box in this IJ.



Please run the friend button and welcome new player Liv with Royce Courtright/The Prince (Sleeping Beauty)!

Resource post! [08.13.2013]

I made a post with various media layouts for those of you who are ambitious enough to use them. You can find that list here!


Griffadoodle and the many characters that make her head a noisy place )


Hey guys! Just wanted to introduce myself and my girl Temperance here. I am Jeia and I've been RPing for close to 11 years now. Ack, that makes me feel old. I typically play males, but thankfully Kassi inspires me to bring the ladies out from time to time. I am bringing Temperance Starfall to the mix... she is also Wendy Darling from Peter Pan. Temperance is very smart and witty, and she tends to be a bit of an introvert. She is trying to come out of her shell. Every great writer needs to live so their art can come to life, right?

If you need me, hit up the dropbox or you can email me at jeiafields@gmail.com. Plot is love!

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