Lost Fables: The Out Of Character Community's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Lost Fables: The Out Of Character Community

Lost Fables

An OC-style fable game based in California.
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Face change! [11.14.2013]

Just a heads up, I've changed Mica's PB from Holland Roden to Bella Thorne!

November Plot [11.05.2013]

Happy November writers!

First, I would like to say it is time to kick up the activity. Last month everyone was sick, but this month we all need to make activity. Secondly, the plot is now in effect and I will be explaining it later in this post. Check out the calendar for any upcoming plot points. Today is the first one. Also, visit the Premise page for the jump-link to the Darkness explained.

Now, before we get to the plot, everyone should check out the four NPC characters at [info]lostfablesnpc. These characters are run by the mods and are the vital characters in the control of the plot. They include Mother Goose, King Cole, The Horned Beast and Baba Yaga.

November Plot )




Heads up! We will have a plot breakdown coming up soon, but until then, welcome Elle, who has brought Lainey Marshall (Wendy Darlin). Also, we regret that Hayes O'Connor, Royve Courtwright, Cecilia Cole and Miriam Laken are all removed from the cast. Also, your Demimod has revamped Gretel/ Svetlana with the parting of Hayes.



I'm sorry for being so absent all month. I have been ore or less dying. It's been gross. Very gross. Anyway. I am back.


Hi, guys!

I'm really sorry to have to say this even though I said I'd try but I've decided to drop out of the game. It was fun while it lasted but difficulties have presented themselves and now here we are.

Thanks to all the lols and tags, you guys! Do keep in touch, I'm slidersjoypops@AIM and islivonmars @gmail and also [info]54. Hopefully we all get to play again in the future. :)

Good luck! ♥

A quick note [10.05.2013]

I'm posting this from my phone, as I am at war with my internets

Hopefully tomorrow, but Monday at the latest, I will be posting an update regarding the plot, as well as the latest 10 day weather forecast. I might be trying to incorporate the forecast into an overall mod post, regarding everything from adds, drops, plot and activitiy, that will be posted every two weeks.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? General feedback?

Leave 'em below.

Posted via Journaler.

Friend Button Time! [10.05.2013]

Hey guys, run the Friend Button to say farewell to Jeia, and to welcome back Mary with the dark mermaid, Oriana!


Meet Oriana, a dark Mermaid from the Mermaids Lagoon in Neverland.

She's not your Disney mermaid, though (even though those mermaids were kind of close to the myth because they did admit they wanted to drown Wendy lol). She's evil, amoral and alluring. She'll draw you in and then drown you and eat you. Literally. That's what she did to all those poor inoocent pirates and indians who came to close to water, lured by her and her sisters' beauty, and then bam! Lunch time! xD The only one she didn't want to eat right away was Peter Pan, because he entertained her and the rest with great stories.

She is part of the Darkness so she got stuck in Fableton while Mother Goose saved all the fables and got them to Newport. But the Darknes found a way in and now she's there. And she's hungry. She's 20 and posing as Kieran Sullivan's sister. And she's a fan of The Lost Boys. You can find her full bio HERE.

mary xoxo

yes! I am still alive. >.>;; [10.02.2013]

And I am completely aware of the fact that I just fell off the face of the game for a seriously long time there. But I am going to try and get my ass back in it and I need your help! Would anyone like to log with Royce? I mean, I can't offer Facebook spams and stuff now because I completely failed on the part of making friends so I obviously have to start from scratch and the one way I know of doing that is through scenes. >.>;; So...yeah! Anyone? I promise to tag fast and write very chunkily.

Jewels, I know I seriously owe you a meeting log. You up for that? >.>;;

That's all!

Mod Post! [09.28.2013]

OKAY PEOPLE! Stop being amazing! We all made activity with time to spare! As the icon of Prongs suggests, it's your ever-adoring ModDemiGod Griff here with a heads up on the upcoming months! First, we will be introducing the NPC characters at the beginning of the month and the plot will finally start moving forward. I will have the full explanation to the plot on the NPC journal when that is finished, because making 4 apps before October 1 is just how I say "Fun" which is synonymous with "I have no life" and "My only friends are online." Either way, we will have the darkness finding out Fables, some issues with out not good but not bad characters and, of course, what is Halloween month without some carnivals, haunted houses and costumes! We will have 2 Memes this upcoming month, the first of which is the costume parade (can't have too many sexy Leias at this convention) and the second is still a surprise even to me. Until then, enjoy Newport's lack of sunshine.

Much love, hugs and sloppy wet puppy kisses,


Hey guys! Kassi here. This is just a heads up that I might be pretty scared for the next couple of weeks, as the husband and I are having to make some drastic changes to our house and we have back to back doctors appointments (ugh) and on top of all that, I got summoned for Jury Duty! Yay!

I am always reachable by email, or through the game's ModDemiGod, Griff. I will still be around, but I probably won't be online very often, or for very long periods of time. Boo.

Love you all!


Newport, OR Forecast for 9/22 - 10/01 )


Guys! Guys! I have a real weekend coming up! I might be able to post like a normal person!

So Hayes needs friends, because currently the only person he's talking to is Lana, for obvious reasons, but he needs people his age to talk to, because he's feeling a tad bit solitary. I know I'm scarce, I apologize, work has been crazy. I don't get home until almost 7 most nights, but I will make an attempt. give me plot and it will suck me back in!!

<3 FJ

HEY YOU GUYS! [09.17.2013]

Run it as Mary has brought in her final character; Flounder/Charlie Fisher!


Kassi here with #5. This is Chevelle "Chevy" (lolol i so funny) Jones, or as she was known in the old country, Belle. She's the librarian at the Newport High, and her father used to own some sort of big and fancy-to-do shop, until he lost all his money, his wife left him, and he was left with the ONE GOOD CHILD OF THE FAMILY, whom he borrowed money from a loan shark to put through college! yay!

Chevy is addicted to coffee, and will pretty much drink it any time of day ... or all day. Your choice. She also loves reading anything she can get her hands on, and is (for the most part) SUPER NICE.



We can't have Peter Pan without Tinkerbell, now can we?! Say hello to the Good Fairy and Kat's half sister Hikari Doyle. She goes by Kaye or Kari and she is 20 years old (21 in November). She is studying to be a vet for large animals and love animals. She is a bit of a tomboy and is often mistaken for a boy with how she dresses, but it does not bother her. She does not understand feelings well, they kind of confuse her, but she is very protective and has Tinkerbell's rage issues. She is the older cousin of one of Tyler's band mates and helps out at the shows. She loves plot! PLOT PLOT PLOT

♥ Griff


This piece of sexy British/American ass is Captain Hook, aka Robert Adair, aka Sexiest Literature/English teacher in the whole West Coast.

Robert is a charming young man, though he sometimes can look very British, lol He's incredibly passionate about books, movies and teaching. His whole house is a big library, and everything is in its right place. Don't touch it or put in in a different place or he'll have an aneurism. Seriously. He also kind of hates Tyler Johnson, because well, he's Hook and he's Peter Pan and they're bound to not get along. Ever. He gives the kid A LOT of detention. You can read more of his sexiness HERE.

Oh! And he has a boat named Jolly Roger and a bulldog named... He needs a name. Any ideas? I suck at coming up with dog names lol

Anyway, you know where to hit me for plot! He needs friends!

mary xoxo

New! Weather Forecast! [09.12.2013]

This is going to be a new thing. Every week or so, I'll pull up the weather forecast for Newport, and post it here in the OOC!

Newport, OR Forecast for 9/12 - 9/20 )


Hey, guys! Run the Friending Button to add in new player Jewels with Miriam Larken/Sleeping Beauty!

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