Fri, Feb. 18th, 2011, 01:08 pm
[info]lookingmods: Game Rules & Guidelines

If you've any questions please always feel free to contact your Mods! Tina & Anick (hi there!). We're friendly and excited, we promise! (

Posting Minimums: We have no maximum for posting, however we do expect each character to participate at least once every two weeks - this means a completed/still in progress thread or a completed private fic at least twice a month.

All posting is done in real time - there will be no backdating or past fic involved (though flashbacks/dreams, etc, in current fic are of course welcome) - the dating system is as follows: Monday, November 11th, 2008 = Monday, November 11th, 1999 / January 1, 2009 = January 1, 2000.

More than one month without a post and/or previous arrangements with the mods will result in a warning. If the character goes another two weeks without a post, we will request the character be given back to game mods.

No Godmodding (referencing another character's actions/thoughts/feelings/quotes without that character's author's consent and/or cooperation. If there is any instance of Godmodding, we request that you attempt to take it up among yourselves and if that doesn't work please feel free to contact the mods at

To that end, if there is any public snark, there will be consequences. We want everyone to be able to have a good time and even those not involved in any debates could have their experience altered by public snark. We will not tolerate the airing of grievances even in our OOC community. Let's just have fun!

PBs: Please use age appropriate models for your icons.