

April 2024/2674 Calendar & Events )



March 2024/2674 Calendar & Events )



✨ it's that time ✨

I just want to say thank you to everyone for being really patient and understanding this month. I know I couldn't have predicted almost getting hospitalized, but I still feel really bad about totally dropping the ball between that and unexpectedly having to help run a charity event. I adore all of you so much for your patience. Thankfully I'm starting to be on the mend (after 8 days of basically not eating, I finally got a microwave meal down today and my fever has been gone for 3 straight days so these are great signs I'm past the seriousness of the infection itself) and apologies for how much RPing I do in the next few days because now I'm conscious and bored ♥

February AC Check )

Spring Plot )



February 2024/2674 Calendar & Events )



January 2024/2674 Calendar & Events )



December 2023/2673 Calendar & Events )



Hello! My name is Steph, and I think I've had brushes with everyone here before, so I'm not going to go too deep in personal introductions. But I think I've messed up Discord permissions, and I'm going to have to look into those eventually, so don't feel too put off if you can't dm me. ♥

This is 1 of 3 planned characters (but if you want to test me on my chronic lack of restraint, try to enable me for more), so here goes! His name is Lee Ahn, and he is from the show He Is Psychometric - and yes, the title does spoil things for like, the five seconds it takes the show to introduce him in the first ... five seconds? Such a good a show, but also comes with tons of trigger warnings and it was one of those shows where I did not see the twist coming, so that was nice.

Ahn's about twenty-one, from South Korea and probably the laziest student in Seoul, so I'm going to handwave his lack of English because like. You know. He's going to be a clerk at the Market, which he may or may not suck at.

But he will get caught out in the rain, so there's gonna be a little bit of ~urgency involved. Whoops.



November 2023/2673 Calendar & Events )



October 2023/2673 Calendar & Events )



Diana here.

This is Jesse Faden, from the video game Control, which is amazing and you need to play it.

She's used to weirdness, she loves it even, but she has a mission that she hates having been pulled away from. And she's extremely socially awkward.




September 2023/2673 Calendar & Events )



August 2023/2673 Calendar & Events )



July 2023/2673 Calendar & Events )



June 2023/2673 Calendar & Events )



May 2023/2673 Calendar & Events )




Hi, it's Natasha. This is Jac. She's 23, an Old Soul, but native to this world. She's Ezra's youngest sister, and he and some of the refugees at that time rescued her from their dad. Any characters who have heard Ezra talk about his dad can assume a few things from that, but she's a lot less bitter than her big brother. Prior to the last few years, she was pretty sheltered, but she's learned a lot about the outside world since. I'm leaving a warning here for her profile, but it basically amounts to 'Dad was awful, her big brother came back for her, and now she has friends.'

Jac loves music and dancing, her friends and her German Shepherd Emma. Also tequila. She also loves matchmaking because she wants her friends to be happy. Sometimes this requires bullying them a little, but it's for a good cause. She is very proud of her successes. She'll be absolutely thrilled to find out she's an aunt. She studied cybernetics, marketing and public relations, and used to work with Kara - which she'll be doing again at the newspaper. Her legs are cybernetic, and she generally wears long pants or dresses to hide them.



April 2023/2673 Calendar & Events )



March 2023/2673 Calendar & Events )



Oh, right. I should do the OC intro thing.

Here be Charles. He will be teaching Anthrolpology. He is also living in #308 with Josh.

He has some PGH from ~saveatlantis and ~timestreammods. And, his app is here.

I could say more. But, I'm pretty sure I don't need to.



Hello! I'm Diana, and I'm new. Some of you know me, and some of you I look forward to getting to know!

I bring you Trilla Suduri, aka The Second Sister, aka the tragic villain of Jedi Fallen Order. She was a Padawan who got caught after Order 66 (because her Master tried to lead the Sith away, was caught, and tortured into revealing her location, tyvm) and tortured and twisted into an Inquisitor, and then made to hunt the surviving Jedi. After trying to twarth Cal Kestis and her former Master Cere Junda's plans, things came to a head at a point where Darth Vader showed up, expressed his disappointment, and killed her.

...OR DID HE? Because when she fell over she was only mostly dead, and slipped through a portal onto here, where she was promptly picked up and taken to medical. She's been in recovery for roughly three days and is now fit as a fiddle. Possibly with a large scar across her back, thanks Dad Vader.

I apologise in advance for her. She is...well, she's a mess, and she's curt and rude and dark sided. For now, anyway. I'd love it if she was given a chance to recover. More on her here!