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Dec. 12th, 2021


happy ten years losers <3

Apr. 25th, 2012



I'm going to clean out the roster next Monday, so please reply here with a gif of a cat if you are staying and you haven't told me yet blah blah.

Apr. 24th, 2012


Oh, goodie. The place didn't blow up.

Birdy and I have fallen off the planet, but we're back.


I'm dropping Rachel. We have a possible applicant. Please reply to this post with your thought on the future of the community and if you plan to stick around.

Much love.

I'mma go RP.


Feb. 20th, 2012



to give us a little time to play with all the other stuff that's going to be in this episode, Regionals will take place on Friday :) that cool with everyone?

Feb. 18th, 2012


Friends List Update

[info]teenagedreamer is back in action, and recently transferred to Carmel! And we have a new McKinley character, [info]november_echoes yaaay! :D

Feb. 15th, 2012


llg superlatives?

does this sound like a fun idea to anyone? help me come up with categories!

-best couple
-best scene
-best entries
-best icon keywords



Friends List Update

Everyone give a warm welcome to Carmel's new student, Remy Delacroix [info]s0uthernc0mf0rt!!!

Feb. 14th, 2012


Glee - Heart - Watch Along

let us know what you're keeping, what you're tossing, what you loved, what you didn't, etc!

Feb. 12th, 2012


friends list update

yes again lol I know, sorry.

The lovely Queenie has decided to retire [info]teenagedreamer and Birdy's picked up [info]warblerthad.

Feb. 11th, 2012


activity check / friends list update

Flagged for Inactivity

Updated Friends list. :) Welcome to our new Dave, [info]withoutathrone. Please regard any LLG canon regarding Dave. The player is keeping to the show's canon.

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I just want to say, if you ever have the chance to see Matt Nathanson and/or Kelly Clarkson in concert, DO IT. Last night was pretty amazing! Kelly rocked the stage and I got to meet Matt! He signed my CD.

...I may have had dirty sexual fantasies about him.

Anyway, I will be around sporadically today and then I work all day Sunday so if I'm slightly missing, that's why. I just wanted to give you guys a heads up. <3

~ Queenie

Feb. 7th, 2012


the spanish teacher discussion/rewrites

here is a giant list of livestreams

Feb. 5th, 2012


Flying on a jet plaaaaaane

Almost forgot to post this, whoops.

I'm heading to Florida on Tuesday to spend some time with my younger sister and will be gone a week. I'll have my laptop with me but we're talking about doing a roadtrip, so I'm not sure how available I'll be. Kinda sad I'm not really going to be around for 'The Spanish Teacher' or the subsequent episode but I'll try to poke my head in. :)

Don't have too much fun without me! ;)

Feb. 4th, 2012


[info]loserlikeglee 1SM #10 ... whoa, we've done ten of these?

Welcome to the tenth [info]loserlikeglee One Sentence Fic Meme! Krysta wanted another one, and what Krysta wants, Krysta gets.

Ground rules:
-prompts can be filled with fics, art, fanmixes, GO CRAZY
-for every three prompts you post, fill at least one prompt

post #1 / post #2 / post #3 / post #4 / post #5 / post #6 / post #7 / post #8 / post #9

Feb. 1st, 2012


very important ooc post

the diablo 3 beta came into my life at the perfect time

blaine is injured or whatever and not involved in as much action

oh my god i'm kidding

this is not a serious post


Jan. 31st, 2012


Glee "Michael" Reactions/Corrections/Etc

lol we forgot to put this up before the episode
sorry guys <3
you know what to do!! what are you keeping? what are you tossing? what made you flail like a loon? we wanna know.

Jan. 30th, 2012


a little cleaning up...

Updated Friends list. :)

Read more... )

Jan. 29th, 2012


Storyline Update.

After some talking and consideration, we decided to make our Two Pink Lines AU into LLG canon. For convenience sake, we're keeping the same time line that we used in the AU game which states that the conception is December 10th. If you go here, you can read the post as it stands where Cash/Santana go to the doctors and find out for sure. That was on 1/19. We have a detailed list for her whole pregnancy so we will be following it to keep this as realistic as possible.

At this point, there's a lot of morning sickness and running to the bathroom, and she's still struggling with eating in general so she's a little screwy at the moment. Cash is the only person who knows right now. She wants to keep it a secret as long as humanly possible.

Jan. 28th, 2012


a wild joey appears

I hate my apartment complex with a passion. Also, I am annoyed with my school.

1. I'm so sorry I fell off the face of the earth without warning.

2. My apartment building waited almost three weeks to do anything about our internet.

3. My school has banned IJ. :(

In summation, I missed you guys. Jumping back in to get back in the swing of things. Anyone want to a scene something to help me get back in action? I promise you sarcasm, possible flirtation, and maybe even some trolling.

Jan. 24th, 2012


computers suck

putting this up here mainly for insurance.

my computer is dying a slow death. has been for awhile, actually, but the past few days it's been super annoying and getting much worse. it seems to know that I ordered a new one for my birthday.

new computer will be here next week (the day of the Michael Jackson ep, actually) but in the meantime if my computer craps out or what have you, I can do limited things from my phone.

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