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Hopping on the hiatus bandwagon! [Aug. 3rd, 2011|12:32 am]
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[Feels Like | cheerful]

Your mod Beth here. ^^ I'm going to be out of town Thursday through Monday, without any internet access-- at least, that's what it's looking like.

--) activity check/sweeps will happen (after 11:59pm on Monday August 8th; no one on hiatus will be swept)
--) we can play our next plot! so let me know what you guys want~
--) my babies will be dancing around the ship naked... or more active, at least

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mod post: 021 [Jul. 22nd, 2011|04:55 pm]
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All right, kid plot time is almost upon us!

Here's the 411:
  • The children and their parents/other colonist types will officially be onboard the Enterprise from July 24th - 28th as they're transported the rest of the way to Colony Alpha V.

  • Here's how it's going to go down: Starfleet will message the Enterprise later "today" to say, "Yo, these Federation citizens were on their way to this colony and their 'ship broke down, go help 'em out." The Enterprise will then take them the rest of the way, while towing said broken 'ship (hence the taking a bit more time than it might've otherwise done)

  • So! Wanna NPC a kid bugging the crew? Volunteer here! Stacey has made some icons (and uploaded them somewhere, I think?), so go ahead and reply here with a picture of the kid and a brief description of what kind of shenanigans s/he will be causing.

  • What about having your character bugged by a kid? Volunteer for that here, too! If you know what sort of kid you wanna have bug you, add that in. Otherwise, those NPCing kids can reply to the character requests to let us know they will be doing the bugging there. ;)

  • Anything else? ALSO POST HERE! Sometimes I don't make sense. I know this. S'all good, just poke!

Now, Housekeeping Things:
  • Always tag your posts in both [info]wheretheboldgo and [info]livelongandooc. There are tag lists for both. And if you're ever uncertain which to use or think a tag is missing, just let me know.

  • If you haven't run the friends button, make sure you do so!

  • To anyone who hasn't yet done so, please post to the Starfleet Academy page to let us know what your character was up to Back In The Day.

Lastly, don't be afraid to backdate threads! If you weren't in game yet when we ran a plot and that bums you out? Post something dated to take place during that plot! Wanna do something fun during the Academy Era? Go right ahead! Just make sure to state the year clearly. :D

And, as always, you can post any questions/comments/concerns/suggestions here or in the drop box or via email or what have you. Cheers!
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Away team to Angel I plotting post! [Jul. 7th, 2011|12:09 am]


From the Away Team sign up page:

→ Ladies Choice
who: Ann Mulhall, Christine Chapel, Gaila, Nyota Uhura, Areel Shaw + [2 security]
what: When the Enterprise goes to make official first contact with the matriarchal society of Angel I, a radical group of isolationists disrupt the proceedings and take the crew members hostage.
when: TBD
where: Angel I
notes: only female crew members allowed

Details, Ideas, and Discussion! )
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mod post: 020 [Jun. 14th, 2011|12:04 am]
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[Feels Like | accomplished]

Argh, I definitely got food poisoning-- and then had to get a new computer. (Long story.) So. Apologies for the vanishing act part two.

But now! Onto business:
  1. Marriage plot shenanigans! I am officially scheduling it for June 18th. An IC plotty post will be forthcoming (probably the day before) but basically I'll put up an open thread and then people can go nuts! Shore leave party, woo. Feel free to let the rumor mill run about potential time off until then.

  2. Speaking of June 18th-- I'll be doing sweeps that night. So any characters not posted by the end of the day EST will be swept unless: (1) you speak to me, or (2) you're on hiatus.

  3. I'm going to start running ads again! Finally! But if you have friends/suggestions/any ideas about where to do so, I'd love to hear 'em. ^^
So, let me know if you've any questions/comments/concerns/suggestions/ideas/etc. Cheers!
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mod post: 019 [May. 26th, 2011|11:22 pm]
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[Feels Like | anxious]

Okay! So obviously I didn't mean to vanish on y'all. Massive apologies! And I know we've all been lagging, so. Yes. I'm thinking we might try getting back into the swing of things, yeah?

Here's the plan:
  1. Sweeps will take place in one week on June 1st at 11:59pm EST, so any characters you want to keep need to be updated by then!

  2. Minor plots will be starting up again-- suggestions are welcome; so far, I'm thinking an influenza like virus bugging the crew and maybe some shore leave?

  3. We need to decide what we want our next big plot to be! I was thinking marriage plot maybe? To coencide with shore leave shenanigans or something... but other ideas are welcome, too.
Post any questions/comments/concerns/suggestions/ideas/etc. below. I've missed you all! ♥
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OOC POST: Calling all men! [May. 4th, 2011|02:10 am]


Alright guys, in the shore leave shenanigans thread Christine agreed to let Gaila set her up with someone. Gaila, however, when sober, won't be able to read her own chicken scratch handwriting about what they discussed... so who wants to go out on lulzy dates with Christine?

I don't expect anything to really come from this experiment. It can be a disaster or lead to a few dates but fizzle. I'm up for plotting. (I'm VERY easily amused.)

Also I'm sure Gaila would just have fun attempting to set anyone else up too. >.>
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mod post: 017 [Apr. 28th, 2011|10:54 pm]
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And, thusly, the Tribble plot has ended! If you want your character to have shore leave on DS K-7 between now and early 05/01, you are more than welcome to! :D You can even NPC Klingons or whoever being around-- just no more Tribbles and any non-Federation species should be civilians. :)

In other news:
  • I'll be doing sweeps at the end of Monday (05/02 after 11:59pm EST), so check the activity page to make sure you're not in the red zone!

  • The Starfleet rep will be here to lecture our poor crew (about not feeding strange alien creatures and things of that nature, mostly) on 05/11. If you want to play it out, we can-- or just assume it happened!

  • Don't forget to put a rating on your threads! (I've noticed a few posts lacking said rating in the last few days.)
And, as always, you can post any questions/comments/concerns/suggestions/etc. etc. here-- or in the drop box if you prefer. Cheers!
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mod post: 016 [Apr. 24th, 2011|05:42 pm]
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[Feels Like | busy]

Slightly belated; I apologize. But! The Tribbles are almost here! (Yes, I know they were originally supposed to have already come but between IJ dickery and Easter, the plot is now slated for 04/25 - 04/28.)

Here's how it's going to go down:
  • Gaila has left chocolate Easter eggs around the ship. One of them somehow finds its way to Scotty's Tribble in the wee hours of the morning tomorrow (04/25). Scotty's Tribble eats it. [contingent on Gaila!mun's agreement; if there's an issue, said Tribble will be fed another way]

  • (04/25-26) As all Tribbles do when fed, it has a litter of babies. These babies spread slowly, find food and, well... Tribbles begin popping up various places-- crew quarters, infirmary, bridge, etc. At first it's slow. Cute even.

  • (afternoon 04/26) THEN they get into the food processors. POPULATION EXPLOSION~

  • (04/27) Tribbles are now gumming up the works all over the place. They litter the halls, transporter rooms, mess area, lounges-- everywhere! Scotty &co. work to calibrate the sensors to detect the Tribbles; eventually they're successful. Only problem: where to send them?

  • (04/28) A barren planet is found; all Tribbles (except Scotty's) are beamed down. Everyone rejoices... except those who wanted one as a pet. Sorry ladies! Only Scotty has permission. ;) Bet he'll let you visit his Tribble anytime you like, though.

  • (04/28) The Enterprise hobbles to the nearest space station (K-7) to resupply because, let's face it, the Tribbles ate most everything there was to eat.
Following this, the crew will have a couple of days to exercise some shore leave on the space station. (Just a few hours on rotating shifts; and, yes, Kirk, you can have McCoy's birthday party there if you so choose.) The Enterprise will leave to continue its mission 05/01 during alpha shift.

There will also be seminars given to all crew members about appropriate conduct following the "Tribble Incident" which I've tentatively scheduled for 05/11. Basically some Starfleet administrator will come lecture each department for an hour or so. So fun times for everyone!

Also, Housekeeping Things:
  • Always tag your posts both in [info]wheretheboldgo and [info]livelongandooc. There are tag lists for both. And if you're ever uncertain which to use or think a tag is missing, let me know.

  • If you haven't run the friends button since before 04/18, make sure you do so. [ETA: J/K, we have a new character, run it everyone!]

  • To anyone who hasn't yet done so, please post to the Starfleet Academy page.
Lastly, just a FYI-- I've been a bit under the weather these last few days, so if I take a bit longer to respond to posts/things, that's why. I do apologize and hope to be back to 100% soon. <3

As always, you can post gny questions/comments/concerns/suggestions here or in the drop box. Cheers!
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Easter Things!! [Apr. 24th, 2011|01:47 pm]


To celebrate Easter, Gaila has gone around the ship hiding little chocolate eggs. So in your travels you might find some or the ship might fall out of space because one fell into the warp core, who knows!

Happy Easter everyone!
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bad uhura [Apr. 19th, 2011|09:25 am]
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So, forgive my general absence. I've been writing papers and studying but SOON IT WILL ALL END because they're due within the week.

Anyone wanna thread?
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