May 14th, 2010

[info]sweetpleasure in [info]limerickcity

Who: Valentina Mihailova (The Walrus), Matt Keehl (The Fawn), and OPEN.
Where: Thiasos, South Hallow Street, Wonderland.
What: A daytime visitor.
When: Mid-afternoon, Friday.
Warnings: Foul language.
Status: OPEN

By the gods Nysa, I think I might have just done it. )

[info]imperiousred in [info]limerickcity

Who: Monica Demuth (Red Queen) and OPEN.
What: Impromptu Sushi.
When: Friday Night, 5:20 p.m.
Where: Mizu Sushi Bar, 6th precinct.
Warnings: N/A
Status: OPEN

This place was, Monica had decided long ago, enough to make even a Nihilist weep. )