Lightning Rapier's Fanfic and Other Whatnots

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12/9/07 05:59 am - [info]lightningrapier

Title: Silent Hill
Author: Emily ([info]lightningrapier)
Fandom: Silent Hill
Pairing: None.
Rating: R?
Warnings: Violence and ickiness? I mean, it's Silent Hill, so.
Summary: Harry Mason is just a tourist. A tourist with a handgun, baby!
Disclaimer: Hi, Konami Lawyers! Oh... court date? Me? Uh... I'm calling my lawyer! I want that guy from Law and Order who was in RENT! GODDAMNIT.
Notes: This was actually for Creative Writing. Then I threw it out and ended up doing something else.

Originally posted at LJ on May 30, 2006. Moved over because SixApart are fucking whores. :D

The Fear of Blood Tends to Create Fear of the Flesh. )
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