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24 Oct 08

Owl from Filius Flitwick to Paul Pettigrew, 16 Sept 1942 [24.10.08|18:16]


[Mood |busy]


I know, it's been insane! I knew that being a prefect would take a lot of time, but I never expected quite how much--but then, who could have expected that so much of our time would be taken up by drills?

Alas, you have heard correctly--my firsties have difficulty grasping the importance of the drills, especially when they are lost in books! It is really too bad that they didn't decide to put the Ravenclaws and Gryffindors together; I could put your too-helpful firsties to work at tracking down mine. At best the Slytherin firsties don't even care if mine exist, and at worst--well, let's just hope everyone will settle down now that it's become apparent that the school is under attack and we need to work together. I really don't want Riddle to have to shout at them again--though I must admit it did get them to behave, there must be some better way!

Good studies to you as well!
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