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10 Oct 08

Owl from Minerva McGonagall to Charis Malfoy, dated 16 September 1942 [10.10.08|10:20]


[Mood |worried]

Unusually strongly warded, even for Minerva, and sealed to her memory of Charis

Dear Charis,

I have lots of news and things to say in response to your letters of the 13th and 15th, but that can wait. I'm really really sorry to tell you, but Laurie Foggington was one of the people held for questioning over treason. The others were Boot, Baddock, Greenwood and Miss MacCormack. (Greenwood's sister has gone home with the Farrylls, with whom I guess she is connected in somewhat the same way as you are with your family, I am not sure how they got permission, or why her brother did not go.) Since you are Squad I can tell you: Hadrian Kyteler and I both got a note implicating Boot, Baddock and Greenwood but not Laurie. I do not know on what grounds he is being questioned, perhaps it is the connection with Boot.

I very much hope for your sake that Laurie is cleared speedily, well, I hope they all are innocent and proven so as I would much prefer that this is all a terrible mistake, but particularly so Laurie. I hope you will forgive me for my involvement in this: I am not sorry to have involved the Inquisition in such a thing, but I am sorry for your distress and for any harm it does to any innocent person.


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Owls from Nathaniel Pritchard, dated 16 September 1942... [10.10.08|14:31]


[Mood |nostalgic]

Carefully warded and sealed:

To Séverine Black de Malfoy: )


To Ianthe Pritchard: )

To Maeve Pritchard: )
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