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15 Sep 08

Midday Tuesday 15 September 1942, at St Mungo's Hospital in Londinium... [15.09.08|01:39]


[Mood |working]

...some pray that one day Christ will come a-calling; they light a candle and hope that it glows; and some just lie there, crying for him to come and find them: but when he comes they don’t know how to go... )

[info]alessio, [info]balm_of_gilead, [info]william_pendry, [info]bydegrees, [info]corinne_camille, [info]diggoryfamily (Alice Townshend Diggory), [info]mary_lw_npcs (Lizzie Lovegood), [info]wind_frolicker and [info]artisson

Early Tuesday afternoon, 15 September 1942, at Malfoy Manor in Tintagel... [15.09.08|10:24]


[Mood |alive]

...you don’t know it’s right until it’s wrong, you don’t know it’s yours until it’s gone... )

[info]aeliana, [info]bellissima, [info]lamerveilleuse, [info]myr_avallenau (Moruith myr’Steren), [info]nat_pritchard and [info]standingwave

Owl from Juliana Malfoy to Michel Rosenthal, dated 15 September 1942... [15.09.08|10:42]


[Mood |happy]

Strongly warded and sealed; slightly tear-stained, in reply to his owl. Written in French, using faintly sparkling purple ink with occasional inkblots, as is typical of the writer.

Cher Professeur:

You have no idea how pleased I am to hear from you. I was so sure they had murdered you. My father told me he was absolutely certain you had died, and that if they hadn’t simply killed you, you’d been taken some place you’d never get out of alive. If I believed in God, I’d thank him for making it not be true, but I wouldn’t want to give him the credit for Vince or Sevvie or Stefan’s hard work when there’s so much awfulness he’s responsible for.

I will of course make the amendment you suggest for step 3 on page 7. The rest of it, especially the alternate solutions on page 5, I’d like to discuss with you in person. You’re almost certainly right about my reasoning, but it’s not the sort of thing that I’d feel comfortable committing to a letter less secure than the one you sent me. (How exactly did you do that?)

I’m currently at Malfoy Manor, staying with relatives—but I’ll come to you at Hogwarts on Thursday whether or not they send us there. I promise.


PS: Everybody tells me not to take Scalara’s class. But coming from you, it really is meaningful. Oh, and I was born in Naoned, 1w33, 47n13, at exactly 5:30 am, believe it or not, on 22 June 1925. I don’t suppose you’d tell me yours since you know mine now? Just in case I ever need to know again if you’re alive or dead.

Linkopen the diary

Owl from Juliana Malfoy to Domitian Malfoy, dated 15 September 1942... [15.09.08|13:53]


[Mood |giddy]

Carefully sealed against tampering; not warded at all:

Rosenthal lives.

You are dead to me, and this is the last thing that I have to say to your ghost.

Linkopen the diary

Early Tuesday afternoon, 15 September 1942, at Malfoy Manor in Tintagel... [15.09.08|16:31]


[Mood |worried]

...maybe she's just pieces of me you've never seen... )

[info]myr_avallenau (Keresek p’Steren) and [info]dracaena

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