.:| lightning war: a secret history |:. - 18th June 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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18 Jun 08

Owls from Arianwen Rosier, dated 14 September 1942... [18.06.08|10:55]


[Mood |pissed off]

As strongly and securely sealed and warded as Arianwen can manage:

To Yvon Malfoy: )


To Mercy Thomas: )

To Isabella Zabini: )
Linkopen the diary

Letters from Estrid Farryll, dated 14 September 1942 [18.06.08|10:59]


[Mood |happy]

To Mindred Farryll and Gillian Greenwood: )


To Hadrian Kyteler: )

To Charis Malfoy: )
Linkopen the diary

Owls from Kathleen Lovegood, dated 14 September 1942 [18.06.08|12:03]


[Mood |worried]

To Lucius Malfoy: )

To Yvon Malfoy: )
Linkopen the diary

Owls from Ianthe Pritchard, dated 14 September 1942 [18.06.08|12:05]


[Mood |amused]

To Nathaniel Pritchard: )

To Endymion Dashwood: )
Linkopen the diary

Owls from Delilah Lockhart Patil, dated 14 September 1942... [18.06.08|13:14]


[Mood |working]

Securely warded and sealed:

To Surya Patil: )


To Jack Randall: )

To Lavinia Scalara: )
Linkopen the diary

Owl from Gabrielle Lestrange, Lady Malfoy, to Dracaena Malfoy, dated 14 September 1942... [18.06.08|14:51]


[Mood |annoyed]

Strongly warded and sealed:

My dear husband,

I will see you this afternoon at the offices of the War Bureau... )

Linkopen the diary

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