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28 May 08

Owls from Isaac Diggory, dated 13 September 1942 [28.05.08|08:44]


[Mood |sad]

To Priscilla Chattox-Kyteler )

To Edmund Diggory )

To Annie Lovegood )
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Letter from Dory Vincenti to Hubert Crockford, dated Sunday 13 September 1942 [28.05.08|12:54]


[Mood |sad]

Sent to school care of Mario Vincenti. Lightly warded by Dory, but Mario has sealed it so as to be unnecessarily difficult to open.

Dear Hubert,

I am not allowed to come back to school yet because of everyone who died, and so many of them were girls also even if they are not firsties. I miss you and I wish you were here as well. Please let me know that you are all right and don't go to any parties please.

I know that Communists do not have gods but I will ask the Vincentis' gods to look after you just in case.


Your sister,

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School owl from Dolores Umbridge to Mario Vincenti, dated 13 September 1942... [28.05.08|13:42]


[Mood |uncomfortable]

Plainly warded and securely sealed:

My dear Mr Vincenti:

We have a problem. The proper thing for me to do would be to write to your second but she's still in Tintagel so I suppose I have to write to you.

Jeremy Wood was flogged this evening and is in no condition to fight a duel. Goyle worked him over pretty well--a dozen lashes--and Stebbins as well. He's being suspended from school for the rest of the year, and Hogsmeade weekends have been cancelled, so the earliest you and Jeremy Wood will be able to meet is the Christmas holidays, assuming no plans or decrees to the contrary on the part of Jeremy's parents.

Let me know what you want to do about this.

Sincerely yours,
Dolores Jane Umbridge

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