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20 Apr 08

Owl from Albus Dumbledore and J Wm Goyle to Isaac Diggory, dated 13 September 1942... [20.04.08|15:18]
[Mood |worried]

Securely warded and sealed, bearing the seal of the Hogwarts Inquisitor and Headmaster:

Dear Mr Diggory:

By now you will undoubtedly have heard about the fire in Hogsmeade; before we say anything else, we would like to assure you that all of your children and wards are safe and unharmed.

However, Bilius Lovegood was involved with the planning of the party which resulted in the fire. Jeremy Wood, his former prefect, convinced him to deliver the invitations, which obviously could not be sent by school owls. Everyone else who was involved in the planning will be sent home for the rest of the year on Monday. Bilius is only twelve, and did not attend the party. He has already missed the best part of his first year last year, and another year on the sidelines seems unlikely to improve matters.

Aside from this incident, Bilius has not been a discipline problem since the end of the feud. He was involved in the foolishness on the lake with the first-years' boats, but he has for the most part been quiet and subdued. We believe that his unwavering support for his father, while admirable in many ways, has cost him most of his friends, and that he is vulnerable to being persuaded to all sorts of mischief by anyone who will befriend him. Because of this, we would like to meet with you at your earliest convenience, and discuss how best to shepherd him.

Sincerely yours,
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Headmaster
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Hogwarts Inquisitor

NB: strikeouts are in the same colour ink as Goyle's signature.

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Sunday morning, 13 September 1942, at Malfoy Manor in Tintagel... [20.04.08|23:25]


[Mood |curious]

...think this through with me, let me know your mind; oh, oh, what I want to know is, are you kind? )

[info]corinne_camille, [info]drschadenfreude and [info]luxserpentis

Owl from the War Bureau to the Hogwarts Board of Governors, dated 13 September 1942: [20.04.08|23:57]


[Mood |irritated]

Securely warded and bearing the seal of the Dux Bellorum's office:

Dear Madam or Sir:

Tomorrow afternoon at one o'clock there will be a meeting of the Hogwarts Board of Governors. Dracaena Lady Malfoy will preside, and anyone who is not present will be assumed to have forfeited their vote. Inquisitor J Wm Goyle will present his findings. The War Bureau will be providing security.

Please note that Mrs Gabrielle Lestrange has not been invited, and will not be present.

Sincerely yours,
Penelope Davies
on behalf of Kyteler Dux Bellorum

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