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07 Apr 08

Owls from Madeline Proctor, early morning, 13 Sept 1942... [07.04.08|10:57]


[Mood |worried]

To Dracaena Malfoy, in reply to her letter, securely warded:

Dear Dracaena,

Of course I'll be there, and I've sent word to Magistra Serrano as well. I'll send another owl as soon as I know when I'll be arriving.

Yours, Maddie


To Miranda Serrano, securely warded:

Dear Miranda,

I just got an owl from Dracaena Malfoy. It turns out Alessio didn't get married after all. He and Yvon have reconciled, which I'm sure will come as a great relief to you; none of us ever want to see our patients return to us.

However something else has happened to him and I've been called to the Manor to help look after him. Dracaena didn't provide any details, but she extended an invitation to you as well and we should probably leave as soon as we can. We'll need to go together as there are certain protocols which must be followed in order to enter the Bois.

Yours, Maddie
Linkopen the diary

Note found early morning, 13 September 1942, on Professor Lucas Bettony's desk [07.04.08|11:07]


[Mood |suicidal (really)]

Written in a drunken scrawl on bloodstained parchment, not warded at all...

The dreams were real.

What I did to her...can't be forgiven.

What I allowed to happen...can't be forgiven.

May God have mercy on my soul.

The brave thing to do would be to endure, and to fight...if I could be trusted. I can't. The best thing I can do is remove myself from the situation, since I'm no help. I'd rather face the fires of Hell (if they exist) then do to someone else what I have done...

It was real.


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