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30 Mar 08

Saturday evening, 12 September 1942, in Professor Goyle's rooms at Hogwarts Castle... [30.03.08|17:27]


[Mood |grumpy]

...like the castle in his corner in a medieval game, I foresee terrible trouble, and I stay here just the same... )

[info]casaubon, [info]divine_alchemy, [info]flintlock, [info]idealmatch, [info]imperialwhisper, [info]jenica, [info]peverells, [info]minerva_m, [info]notforfree, [info]pendle_mist, [info]via_dolorosa and [info]truthinartifice

Owl from Dracaena Malfoy to Madeline Proctor, dated 12 September 1942... [30.03.08|21:12]


[Mood |worried]

Strongly and securely warded:

Dear Maddie, this must be short because it is quite late. I know that when I wrote to you before we spoke of a real visit, but I need you to come tomorrow, as soon as you can. Yvon has been struck down and nearly died; Steren says he will be well in three days, and Laurens has been here and seems (from what I can tell) to think he will mend as all he does is complain about the way that Steren does things; but I know you have managed to work with Steren before, and if you can be spared, it will go better for them all I think.

Sincerely yours and with fond regards,

PS: Oh dear, how can I have forgot? You must know, and you must tell Magistra Serrano, that Alessio did not marry Miss Benedetto; he and Yvon have figured things out at the eleventh hour, and so of course Alessio is beside himself with worry.

Also I do not like the effect that this Magister Wilkes has had upon Alessio, and while I know that he is an adult and fully in charge of his own career, I would like you to speak to me frankly regarding his placement. DM.

PPS: Of course Magistra Serrano is welcome to come along. DM.

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