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Oct. 12th, 2009


RP: Apathy

Date: January 12th, 2021
Characters: Roisin Finnigan, Tristan Cavendish
Location: Hogwarts
Status: Private
Summary: Feeling lost, Rosh and Tristan manage to make one decision.
Completion: Complete

Hate is not the opposite of love; apathy is. )


RP: Revelations & Awakenings

Date: 12 January 2021
Characters: Grace MacDougal-McCarter, Greg Goyle [NPC], Morag MacDougal [NPC]
Location: Hospital Wing, Hogwarts, Scotland
Status: Private
Summary: Grace wakes up from her accident.
Completion: Complete

Oct. 11th, 2009


HOWLER: To Archibald Hector Horatio McDonald

Date: January 11th, 2021
Characters: Natalie McDonald (NPC), Archie McDonald, anyone close enough to get hit by the shrapnel..
Location: the Great Hall, breakfast
Status: Private in the sense of being completely in Public
Summary: it's red and it shrieks, stand well back!
Completion: Complete

...from your irate mother! )

Oct. 10th, 2009


RP: When Things Explode

Date: January 10th, 2021
Characters: Alexa Corner, Liam Macmillan
Location: a corridor on the Seventh Floor
Status: Private
Summary: There is no Quidditch on Sundays. This is an utter tragedy, and thus Alexa has to make her own entertainment
Completion: Complete

they EXPLODE )


RP: If you wannabe...

Date: January 10th, 2021
Characters: Jack Sloper [NPC], Natalie McDonald [NPC]
Location: Natalie's House
Status: Private
Summary: Natalie catches an intruder; Jack drops Archie in the soup.
Completion: Complete


Read more... )


RP: The Care and Maintenance of Brooding Boys (and Cranky Girls)

Date: January 9th, 2021
Characters: Nadia Macmillan, Nick Abbott
Location: the Library
Status: Private
Summary: there are many things to not discuss
Completion: Complete

but where do we shelve the awkward conversations? )

Oct. 8th, 2009


RP: Not Another Thursday Evening

Date: 8 January 2021
Characters: Cosmo Krum, Elise McCormack
Location: Random Corridor
Status: Private
Summary: Cosmo is at loose ends without detention.
Completion: Complete

Their last detention had been prior to the end of term. )

Oct. 7th, 2009


RP: Of Bad Boys And Good Girls

Date: January 7th, 2021
Characters: Jocasta Flint, Romeo 'Not so shiny' Zabini
Location:  Heads Common Room
Status: Private
Summary: The final hours of the 'challenge' are starting to wind down and like all good statiscticians, its time to compare notes.
Completion: Complete


RP: A very very big favour

Date: January 7th, 2021
Characters: Phillipa Flint, RJ Weasley
Location: Rose Garden, in the grounds
Status: Private
Summary: Phillipa had only ever wanted RJ for his mind.
Completion: Complete


Phillipa had double-checked the Quidditch schedule; there were no Gryffindor practices on Wednesday so RJ would have no excuse not to attend her lovely tea party that she arranged for no reason at all. )

Oct. 5th, 2009


RP: Poker Night

Date: January 5th, 2021
Characters: Romeo Zabini, open
Location: Head's Study
Status: Private
Summary: Unshiny!Romeo decides to push his luck with nice!Jocasta.
Completion: Incomplete

Operation 'be less shiny'. )


RP: Delayed Departure

Date: January 4th, 2020
Characters: Roisin Finnigan, Lavender Finnigan (NPC)
Location: 27 Willow Way, Hogsmeade
Status: Private
Summary: Probably not the first 'what I want to do with my future' chat on Rosh's horizon.
Completion: Incomplete

Why are you not driven as hell? )

Oct. 4th, 2009


RP: The beginning of Second Term

Date: 04 December 2020
Characters: Students and Family
Location: Kings Cross Station, Platform 9 and 3/4
Status: Public
Summary: Back to school...
Completion: InComplete

The beginning of second term was never quite like the beginning of first. )


RP: Last Minute

Date: 4th January 2021
Characters: David Flint, Liv Pucey, Adrian Pucey [NPC], Marcus Flint [NPC]
Location: The Seedy
Status: Private
Summary: David's come back from the Bahamas and realised he's got an assignment to finish.
Completion: Complete


Read more... )

Oct. 3rd, 2009


RP: The end of the holiday

Date: 3rd January 2021
Characters: David Flint, Jocasta Flint, Liam Macmillan, Nadia Macmillan, Phillipa Flint, DaCosta boys [NPCs]
Location: The Bahamas
Status: Private
Summary: Nadia, Antonio and David go fishing; Phillipa realises who Sergio is related to; the kids sit down and feast on the contents of an coolbox the Hufflepuffs pulled out oa sea monster.
Completion: Complete


Nobody could say that Uncle Montague and Aunt Daphne's mysterious disappearance was all that unexpected. )

Oct. 2nd, 2009


RP: The Great Search Continues

Date: 2 January 2021
Characters: Grace MacDougal-McCarter, Terence Higgs [NPC], Morag MacDougal [NPC]
Location: Ministry of Magic, London, England
Status: Private
Summary: Terence is not expecting this.
Completion: Complete

Oct. 1st, 2009


RP: Rites of Passage

Date: 01 January 2021
Characters: Lucius Malfoy (NPC), Ajax Malfoy
Location: Malfoy Manor
Status: Private
Summary: Ajax is introduced to an old Malfoy ritual
Completion: Complete

Lucius sat back in his chair... )

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