Librum is an online book club made up of a bunch of various people who like to read and talk about the things we read.

A few posts to get you started:

Member Intros | Book Brainstorming/Lists | Housekeeping

Sep. 22nd, 2017



The Golden Compass by Phillip Pullman

SEPTEMBER BOOK DISCUSSION: The Golden Compass/Northern Lights by Phillp Pullman

There's still a week or so of the month left, so if you're still reading (I don't remember who all was participating in this!) then that's cool, just avoid the comments! For everyone else who has read it/finished reading it/etc, let us discuss!!

I don't have any particular format in mind here — just post thoughts and discuss, I guess? (I haven't done a bookclub type thing in ages, sorry.)

Aug. 25th, 2017




Per the lovely [info]fjords' suggestion, how does everyone feel about having His Dark Materials (The Golden Compass/Northern Lights, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass) be our September book(s)? ETA: Obviously, not required to read all three in one month! It seems like a few people are already planning on doing a reread of it in anticipation of The Book of Dust coming out in October.

Obviously — totally optional!

Also, feel free to post about other books as you're reading/when you've finished. ♥

Aug. 23rd, 2017




Ideas for guidelines, etc. I'm bad at this whole thing, can you tell? Do we want to have set days of the month to post discussions for a book that a group of us is reading at once, like a book of the month that whoever has time/inclination to read can post on? How do we want tags to look? Author: Title? How about series?

Open to anything/everything here. ♥




Use this post to brainstorm books to read as a group (as time allows)!




Introduce yourself here! It can be as long or short as you want, and have basically whatever you want in it. Some ideas include favorite genres, last book you read, what you're currently reading, what's on your to-read list, and/or a link to your Goodreads (if you have one!).

Basically, say hello and chat with your fellow book nerds. :) I'll go ahead and link this post in the sticky so that it doesn't get lost. ♥