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New York Harbor - Members Only Comm {OOC}

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September 30th, 2011 @ 8:47pm

Joined the AIM world...the s/n is blairstyxproject!
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September 29th, 2011 @ 6:34pm

How's everybody?

This is my guy Arsenic Odin. He's number 58 and recently got traded from the Green Bay Packers to the New York Giants. He's a very loyal person to his Packers team and often talked smack about any other team. The Giants was the team he hated most. Then, he got traded all of a sudden so he's not a happy camper at the moment. I offer him to you for lines. I saw that we have a Giant teammate here already and possibly getting another one. I'm excited.
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Plot post! [
September 28th, 2011 @ 9:10pm
Hey, everybody, this is AJ Spencer-Santarelli. He's married to Styx Santarelli-Spencer ([info]santarelli. They have two kids together - twins, a boy (Mark Alexander) and a girl (EmmaLynn) and they're waiting for their third child to be born to a surrogate. He's a brand-new lawyer, a closet nerd, and a Southern gentlemen. I'd love to get some friends and co-workers for him!
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September 28th, 2011 @ 9:10am

I don't know why I didn't just do this here before instead of putting it in pbads, but I love this game (it's the first one I have joined and not immediately regretted doing so with for almost two years) and I think I would like to bring in another character, but I have some options. That is to say, I have absolutely no clue who to bring in. So please, please tell me what to do.

Under a Cut because it got sort of long. )
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September 28th, 2011 @ 12:41am

Sup peeps. I bring you Zara Trinidad. She is 26 years old and works at McDonalds. Some of you probably have seen her there. She's the one with the big mouth. She's very eccentric and tries to do her own thing and not care what people think. Deep down, the opinions of others drive her to be a better person. She's all up for grabs. I think I have lines with a few of you and can not wait until we get to playing.

Anymore lines?
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September 26th, 2011 @ 1:54pm

Hey all, I'm Caity and I'm bringing you two lovelies. This is Tatyana Prodan, though she goes by Tina. Her bio is in the journal! The next is Anberlynn Mack|[info]lynnmack| but she will not be in game until tonight. If I have spoken to any of you about storylines, please contact me as I lost all my emails recently and can't remember your journal names or the lines! My apologizes. I'm still hoping to get Anberlynn's family and some in game lines to complete her bio before tonight as well.
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September 25th, 2011 @ 10:40am

Hello guys and dolls. This is your Mod. I'm writing to you all to let you know that a Wanted List is being made for you guys to hopefully make it easier on you guys to pimp for yourselves and each other! So, when you're pimping on [info]pbads and other places, you can pimp normally and then leave a link to the Thread. I've decided not to make a new comm because I feel that we really don't need it, but I'll make one later on if or when necessary.

If you want to add a wanted character, please do so by filling out the template below. Once we get a few in, the template will be posted and left up. :P

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September 23rd, 2011 @ 6:57am

wOw! Look at all the new members! That's awesome. Mason's been in the game for a while but I've been back and forth with how I wanted him to be. But, I think I got him now. He's a Judge's kid who's had it pretty easy in life, far as financially stability. He does get into trouble but tries to keep his nose clean so he wouldn't embarass his father. He's got an older brother who would be a bad influence. The two use to be close but because their father dotes on Mason, they aren't anymore.

I'm up for all kinds of lines, if they fit. Friends, exes, all that good stuff. My aim is lemmechordu
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September 23rd, 2011 @ 1:00am


This is Bennett Grantham, played by the fantastical Colin Firth. Bennett is 47 years old, and has been with British Intelligence since the early 90s. After 9/11, he was relocated to NYC's International Affairs branch of the CIA to assist with the Department of Homeland Security-- since, you know, some "known terrorists" have been known to chillax in London. He's The CIA's UK connection.

And while it appears that Bennett is all fancy shmancy and government official-y, since moving to New York, I think he's somehow managed to marry himself to the mafia, so I'd like to work out a BAMF SL with the mafiosos of the game, if anyone's interested.

Other than that, being a bit of a "bad cop", possibly getting certain mobsters off the hook, etc, with his connections, he really can be a good guy. You can find out more about him here!

So yes! I'm open to any and ALL SLs. Throw anything at me! :D
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September 22nd, 2011 @ 10:37pm

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