Let's Cruise [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

[Jun. 23rd, 2009|10:36 am]

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Who Pip and Isaiah
What Drinks!
Where Duck & Dog
When [backdated] Last night!

Pip plays host )

Wedding Weekend Saturday December 6th [Dec. 6th, 2008|04:01 pm]
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Who: Pip Whitfield and Trystan Van for the Ceremony followed by Open to everyone for the reception!
When: Saturday Evening!!

It was Time )

[ooc: And they're married! It's now party at the reception time!! Ceremony pre-played with [info]pipwhit OCD up! Enjoy!!]

[Dec. 6th, 2008|12:28 pm]

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Who: Isaiah, Skylar, Daniel, Pip
What/Where/When: Arrival in Wales/This weekend
Warnings: Maybe language. With Skylar around, not much

The flight had been relatively uneventful, aside from the obnoxious kids (Skylar was not one of them) and the air sick woman. There had been very little turbulance, the biggest obstacle being the length of the flight. Isaiah's arm arched, and he'd had to change seats with Skylar so she reasted on his other side when she tried to sleep. Isaiah was more than grateful to land, and instantly dreading the return flight home.

Gathering up their things, Isaiah, Skylar, and Daniel made their way off the flight. Isaiah's arm granted them early release, since he'd conned his doctor into giving him a note about it. Being thumped and bumped trying to get off the airplane would not make a happy Isaiah. He had enough to deal with, with Skylar's excitement, really. He didn't insult her by holding her hand, though he thought about it. His exwife would kill him for certain if he let anything happen to Skylar in a foreign country.

"So, here we are," he said to Daniel as they got off the plane. Skylar skipped a head, looking for Pip.

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