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email [Nov. 25th, 2008|09:47 pm]

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Ebony )

[Aug. 28th, 2008|08:17 pm]

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Who: Ebony and Ira
What: Hanging Out
When: Tonight
Where: On the ship
Warnings: None, yet.

When he wasn't trying to smooth Carey's ruffled feathers, he was with Ebony. He sort of felt like a rubber band, being pulled and stretched between the two, though he would never admit it, or say anytihng to either of them. It wasn't their fault. Carey was just being Carey and Ebony was perfect, just the way she was. He loved them both, equally, but differently. He wanted to keep the peace, maintain the balance, keep them both happy.

He had asked Ebony if he could spend some time with her in her cabin, and he was at the door, a bouquet of flowers in hand. he knocked and glanced both ways in the hall. The cleaning crew had done a good job of cleaning the blood, though he could see a vague stain, or maybe he imagined it, where Carey had lain on the ground after Liam forced Ira to shoot him. He closed his eyes, the scene replaying itself in his memory. He took a deep breath, and refocused on knocking again, hoping Ebony answered quickly. He felt more uncomfortable than he wanted to admit, standing there in the hallway.

Email [Apr. 27th, 2008|07:07 pm]
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To: [info]missebonyraide
From: [info]liam_rhythe
Subject: None

A man can tell a thousand lies, I've learned my lesson well. )

[Jan. 20th, 2008|03:26 pm]

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Who: Ira and Ebony
What: Meeting, Drinks
When: Tonight
Where: Her cabin, one of the many bars.
Wharnings: None yet

Ira was beginning to feel he was living in Carey's shadow. Everything he did, seemed to be about Carey, aside from his job. He'd busted a stowaway earlier in the week, but now that the thrill had tapered off, he was left sitting around wondering where Carey was and if they could head out to play pinball, or go swimming again. After his conversation with Ebony on the journals, he was more than intrigued to meet the woman, and her invitation to drinks had been more than welcome. Of course he ought to have been the one to invite her, being the man, but he was never one for sexist expectations. He didn't mind being asked out by a woman, he just hoped she didn't mind asking him out.

He stopped to straighten his shirt before raising to knock at her door. He rocked back on his feet, waiting for her to answer. He shouldn't feel like a nervous school boy, and yet, that was exactly how he felt. His pulse throbbed under his skin, his palms sweat to the point he had to wipe them on his slacks. He feel foolish, and terribly excited too.

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