Let's Cruise - April 17th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

April 17th, 2008

[Apr. 17th, 2008|05:31 am]
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Who: Genoveva Barros and Caleb Parker.
What: She wanted to explore the pool
Where: Pool; Ruby Deck
When: Thursday evening

There is a rainbow for you and me, a beautiful sunrise eternally. )

[Apr. 17th, 2008|10:20 pm]
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Who: Jacob, OTA
What: Being Restless
Where: Terrace, Aquamarine Deck
When: Thursday evening

Upset wasn't really the word to use to describe Jacob's mood. Frustrated would be the better term, he supposed. Frustrated to the point he'd taken it out on a wall in his cabin, leaving his knuckles bloody and bruised. He'd wrapped them in a bandage though, after the manly show of frustration, and left lest he do himself more damage. Instead he'd trekked to the Aquamarine deck, heading out onto the terrace. The young man pulled a chair up to the railing and sat down, crossing his arms over his chest. Staring out at the dark, calm ocean he inhaled the salty sweet smell he'd come to respect.

He put his feet against the railing and slid down in the chair a little, blue eyes gleaming in the crystal clear moonlight from the nearing full moon in the sky. The wind made him shiver but outside of that he remained perfectly still, lost in thought.

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