Let's Cruise - March 27th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

March 27th, 2008

Nighttime Visits ... [Mar. 27th, 2008|05:35 am]



WHO: Harry & Jude
WHAT: Um, being themselves.
WHERE: Jude's cabin.
WHEN: Wednesday night, late.
RATING: Put the kiddies to bed.
OPEN? To [info]hmontgmry only.

Jude couldn't help but snicker to herself as she shut her laptop, shaking her head as she stood. )

[Mar. 27th, 2008|03:48 pm]


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Who Pip and Trystan
What Hanging out at the cafe, talking dressup? Making out?
Where The cafe, by the windows, no less! Then Trystan's!
When Just now, actually. Thursday noonish
Rating Slightly R at this point, I'm not going to lie

Tip toe through the tulips )

[Mar. 27th, 2008|11:11 pm]


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Who: Carey and Alfie
What: causing trouble
Where: their hotel in Ft. Lauderdale, then who knows?
When: Thursday night

Carey was bored. He used to like hotels, with their pools and vending machines and maids who cleaned up after you and made your bed when you weren't around. But living in this hotel was making him absolutely stir-crazy. Emails to his sister, his girlfriend and his best friend had only served to make him feel stupid, lonely, and selfish, respectively, and there were only so many bags of Cheetos one man could stand to eat, even if they were his favorite snack food. He needed entertainment, and he would take it in any form.

But there was nothing fun about entertaining just himself - he needed a partner in crime. And since the only person around was the strange, memory-impaired Romanian who had been stupid enough to follow him in the first place, Carey decided he would have to do. Turning off the scrambled porn he had been attempting to watch, he locked the door to his own room and wandered down the hall to where Alfie was staying. Banging on the door, he called out, "Hey, Alzheimer! Get your ass out here!"

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