Les_BJ_anic - December 7th, 2007

xie_xie_xie posting in Les_BJ_anic
User: [info]les_bj_anic (posted by [info]xie_xie_xie)
Date: 2007-12-07 11:06
Subject: The B/J love thang and a poll
Security: Public

This is a slightly revised version of something I wrote in the comments section in the very first post I ever made to this asylum -- recycled here because we have some new members, and it was kind of lost and lonely down there. ;)

I find the whole Brian/Justin thing very strange for me, because I'm UTTERLY OBSESSED with them and write fiction about them and am just completely wild with fangirl squeeage about their sex scenes, and yet I have no context in my life for that. I don't want to touch them, I'm not attracted to Brian or Justin or the actors who play them, I don't read "slash" or gay porn or watch other gay couples, nothing. It's like its own unique phenomenon.

Sometimes I think this might make sense: As a lesbian, I'm used to seeing images of straight couples on TV and in movies, and it does nothing for me. I don't identify with it. Until QAF, we never really saw any same sex couples fall in love and fuck in such detail, with such amazing chemistry and with so much passion between them -- and the love, did I mention the love? I may be a dyke but I'm still a girl. I like the love part. The combination of sex and love is something I find very appealing, and this was actually the first time I ever saw that. Over and over and over, with characters whose ongoing story I was invited into for five seasons.

It was just amazingly powerful and really changed my life in many ways.

I mean, more than just creating this asylum. ;)

Also, I have a poll.....

Doesn't Xie always have a poll? )

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