Founders Legacy past events threads

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Founders Legacy past events threads


December 11th, 2007

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Who: Fred and OPEN to any friends, students, professors, family members etc. that wish to visit him
Where: The Hospital Wing at Hogwarts
When: 16 April, 1994, after the Quidditch match and into the evening
Rating: TBD depending on who shows up and what happens
OOC Notes: In PoA, the final Quidditch game of the year was Gryffindor vs. Slytherin on 16 April, 1994. Gryffindor won 230-20 and received the Quidditch Cup. That is where canon ends.
During the match, Fred takes a Bludger to the head, and is knocked unconscious. This starts when he wakes up in the hospital wing. Since Fred is on the Slytherin team, he would have a different history here. Feel free to tag Fred, tag each other etc. and have fun. :)

He never even saw the Bludger )

November 21st, 2007

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Who: Blaise, Thai (Fred can listen in if his mun wishes, but they're not allowed to go too far in-game, so he won't hear much... ;)
Where: 5th year dorms
When: The last weekend before summer hols, 1994
Rating: high as Blaise is allowed to take it, which is pretty much heavy snogging, so PG13

It was late at night, and most people had crashed from the partying celebrating the end of exams.  The stone echoed every soft sound that Blaise made as he moved two doors down from his own dorm, hoping that no one would come out to go to the bathroom.  Reaching the door he wanted, he opened the door as carefully as he could, then tiptoed over to Thai's bed, slipping behind the curtain before kneeling down gently on the bed, leaning over and nuzzling at Thai's ear.

"Hey," he whispered, "anyone awake in there?"
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