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Founders Legacy past events threads



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November 27th, 2007

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Who: Fred Weasley and George Prewett
Where: Hogwarts at night
When: First meetings, 1989
Rating: G! Completely family friendly

ooc note: this is a log that we did last night. 'FW' is Fred and 'GP' is George. thanks to Elf for looking this over *squeezes*

twins reunited )

November 26th, 2007


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Who: Harry & Remus and Harry & Sirius
Where: Remus' house
When: July '94 sometime
Rating: G - PG-13 depending on language and subject matter

Getting away from the Dursleys was absolutely brilliant. Harry knew Remus said things like 'it isn't much' and so on about his house, but Harry didn't care. To him it was perfect. He was away from his so-called home with his dad's friend and feeling like he might actually have a real holiday this summer. Now all he hoped was that Sirius would chance to drop by and see him. But even if he couldn't, this was looking to be his best summer yet.

Harry was in the yard, pretending to read one of his school-books but really just day-dreaming about Quidditch and talking wondering if he should ask Remus if Hermione could visit; she'd like a bit or Wizarding contact, he knew that. Well, at least she had nice parents. The sun was pleasant and warm on Harry's back and the grass smelled like freedom.

November 24th, 2007

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Who: Tonks and OPEN to anyone who wants to talk to her :)
Where: Hogsmeade, The Three Broomsticks
When: A Hogsmeade weekend in early 1994
Rating: TBD

An afternoon off )

November 22nd, 2007

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Who: Sirius and Remus
Where: Remus's place
When: In the summer of 1994
Rating: TBD

Remus had never thought...  )

November 21st, 2007

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Who: Blaise, Thai (Fred can listen in if his mun wishes, but they're not allowed to go too far in-game, so he won't hear much... ;)
Where: 5th year dorms
When: The last weekend before summer hols, 1994
Rating: high as Blaise is allowed to take it, which is pretty much heavy snogging, so PG13

It was late at night, and most people had crashed from the partying celebrating the end of exams.  The stone echoed every soft sound that Blaise made as he moved two doors down from his own dorm, hoping that no one would come out to go to the bathroom.  Reaching the door he wanted, he opened the door as carefully as he could, then tiptoed over to Thai's bed, slipping behind the curtain before kneeling down gently on the bed, leaning over and nuzzling at Thai's ear.

"Hey," he whispered, "anyone awake in there?"

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Who: Fred, George and Pansy
Where: Parkinson Manor
When: Sometime in mid-July, 1994
Rating: I would say PG-13 (Pansy's only 14 here...). Warning for some mild twincest.

spending time with friends )

November 20th, 2007

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Who: Wee!Gideon Prewett and even Wee'r!Kingsley Shacklebolt
Where: Various places at Hogwarts
When: We'll put the years in the subject lines or some such place, but they begin in 1973.
Rating: G! We're just working out their past personalities.

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