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Landvik Academy Out Of Character

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[05 Jun 2013|06:32pm]

Hello lovelies,

I will be on a full hiatus from tomorrow on. I'm going to a festival with a friend and won't have internet at all. I'll also leave my phone at home, so I will be absolutely incommunicado until Sunday night/Monday morning. Love you all!

♥ Miri

SEMI-HIATUS-SORT-OF [04 Jun 2013|11:27am]
Hey guys! Quick heads up about my activity over the next few weeks. I'm moving into a new apartment soon, and since I am poor as fuq, I'm taking the long ass moving period (A WHOLE MONTH) to schlep my stuff over in shifts rather than renting a giant truck to do it one day. It's an exhausting process though, and once I start packing and moving I'm going to be around a lot less. I'm starting to wean myself away already, but I just wanted to give everybody a heads up! Especially if we have logs or threads in progress—I swear I haven't forgotten about them, I'm just crazy busy! I'll keep poking my head in here and there, and I'll finally have my own internet at the new place (I've been, uh, leeching from neighbors for a while lakjw;lke), so I plan on playing catch up once I'm settled.


au revoir. ♥ [03 Jun 2013|09:11pm]

And this is my farewell post. Sorry, lovelies, but I have to drop the game. I no longer have the focus or time for public games and it would be very unfair of me to sit on things. It's been a treat to play here. For reference:

→ Marlene [Paris], Damian [London], Elena [Paris], Diarmuid [London], Matthieu [Paris] are transferring out to previous Academies.
→ Isabella is just straight up leaving to pursue a hunt for Bogeys and power.
→ Yilin will leave to look after an injured child of hers but remain in Norway.
→ Rhys is going back home to look after his parents who were recently attacked.
→ Athanasia is leaving because she's had enough with being the good daughter and needs to get away.
→ Nora has heard from her husband at long last and has gone to the London Academy to be near him and try to work out things.

And yes, they'll keep in contact with those they were on good terms with in LA. They gave their good-byes, etc to those that mattered to them.

That done, I hope you all take care and best of luck with all you do. ♥

GENERAL PLOT POST [01 Jun 2013|09:50pm]

As we all know, there are people out there who want to see Landvik and the other academies gone. These guys are not only outsiders or former members but those still a part of the academies. The people in this movement might just be longing to follow someone or something, they might believe in the cause that's being spoken of, or, as the case of most still a part of the academies, they have their own agenda in mind.

For future plot purposes, we are asking players to comment with any of your characters that are a part of this anti-academy movement or might be a part of the movement eventually. If you want, you can even comment to let us know who will never ever be a part of the movement.

Please do this by the end of June 8th.

At this point in time, we will not be contacting everyone whose characters are a part of this movement. Eventually, there will be an email sent out about some big plot points. Also, we will contact people on a case by case basis. And know you are free to tell us no to certain plots. We don't want you guys to feel your characters have to do this or that.

If there are any questions, feel free to ask them here or in the modbox. Comments are screened.

Thank you!

[01 Jun 2013|08:47pm]



Please comment to this post with your name, your characters and all of the posts or comments you have made with them. Everyone who has declared hiatus or whose character has been accepted within the last few weeks of May is exempt from the Activity Check.

The criteria to pass the AC are:
One log or one post or ten in-character comments

The Activity Check will last until June 12th.

sigh [31 May 2013|09:15pm]

Oh children. This is Emma ([info]strigois) here with another character. So. Yes. On to my beloved bullet points:

● Djinn!
● Mohana Azar! She goes by Hana and he goes by Mo but both answer to Mohana.
● Rolled up to Landvik after killing her master with a steak and poisoned mushroom pie. Yay loopholes.
● Masterless for the first time in about 300 years.
● Hana is outgoing while Mo is more quiet, but don't let that fool you or something.
● Handler trainee in Angelic Crimes Unit because Mohana really doesn't like angels for some reason.
● A bit claustrophobic thanks to a bottle.
● Profile here.

It's been a long day at work, yo.

[27 May 2013|09:24pm]

Hello lovelies, it's time for the Unit Updates again! It usually takes Landvik officials about two weeks to investigate these cases but as you might notice, we have left some old cases on the list. These cases haven't been investigated yet and are still open. As always, we also encourage you to come up with own cases and scenarios - our modbox is open for you at all times.

Again, Forensics is the only unit we won't have anything specific for, since they generally help with any case that comes in.

Here is the partners page for your reference.

Unit Updates here )

BLERGH :( [27 May 2013|12:36pm]
ahhhhhh guys, i kind of fell off the grid for a while here :( i've been having some trouble getting a hold on kara, plus a lot of RL busy-ness and going to a con this weekend (WOULDN'T IT BE WEIRD IF ANGIE AND I WENT TO THE SAME ONE AND DIDN'T EVEN KNOW) that all amounted to me not paying attention to the game like i should. BUT I'M BACK, and i really want to do more with kara and dive in, so i'm going to simultaneously try and make this ~*~loner~*~ a little more outgoing AND ask if you guys could help me out! there was tons of interaction ideas on my intro post i want to cash in on, but now that you've all seen kara in action, if you guys have anything else you want to throw at me please hit me up! i missed the plot with me post because i'm inexcusably awful, so please consider this my desperate plea for stuff. once i've got a handle on kara, i'll be apping more outgoing characters too, so THAT SHOULD HELP.

ty dudes ;__;

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