Saturday, May 25th, 2013

Who: Elva [[info]elva] & Damian [[info]theunrelenting]
When: May 6th
Where: Outside of Building 3
What: Deeper feelings are pointed out and concern is offered.
Warnings: Some swearing
Rating: PG-13
note: LMAO THIS WAS IN THE WRONG COMM BEFORE A+ SELF dslfjds;kljflsd sorry!

save your soul before it's too late )
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Monday, March 18th, 2013

Who: Tyler [[info]hostilely] & Damian [[info]theunrelenting]
When: March 17th, morning
Where: Outside of the Regnbue townhouses
What: Kitty bonding. Awkward kitty bonding.
Warnings: surprisingly none. GOOD JOB, TYLER
Rating: PG-13 with very infrequent swears

I sure could use a vacation from this )
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Thursday, March 14th, 2013

Who: Damian [[info]theunrelenting]
When: March 14th, around two AM
Where: The shared townhouse with Edmund
What: A taunting dream and an inability to feel well
Warnings: None really, just sadness
Rating: PG-13

circumstances afford me no second chance to tell you how much I've missed you )
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