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Landvik Academy Logs

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[30 Apr 2013|06:59am]
Who: Esther Glass [[info]glass] & Micah Hartford [[info]sanguineness]
When: Before all the kidnappings.
Where: Micah's place.
What: Cuddle time, come on tell your friends.
Warnings: Esther being adorable as usual. Sugar rushes may occur.
Rating: G.

Not sure the world is ready for the king of hipsters though. )

[30 Apr 2013|08:48pm]
Who: Lachlan Ramsay ([info]resplendently), Jaimie Trotter ([info]olim_et_futurus), Maryse Trotter ([info]ofmoonlight)
When: April 23, 2013 (the rescue)
Where: North Vinter (the woods)
What: Maryse's two favorite men rescue her.
Warnings: Nah.
Rating: PG

As you wish... )

[ viewing | April 30th, 2013 ]
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