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Landvik Academy Logs

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[04 Apr 2013|03:23am]
Who: Matthieu Sauvageau ([info]thedemoninside) & Tyler Ronson ([info]hostilely)
When: March 26th
Where: Hospital
What: The post-drunk reunion. Featuring Threat of Badtouch.
Warnings: none, couple swears
Rating: Tame enough

if you wanna get with me, there's some things you gotta know )

[04 Apr 2013|03:57am]
Who: Elva Kelley ([info]elva) & Tyler Ronson ([info]hostilely)
When: Monday
Where: Casa de Ronson
What: Awkward talk, shifter business, and Elva in Tyler's clothes. Not in that order.
Warnings: The usual
Rating: Tame

when you wake up, i'm gonna punch you out )

[04 Apr 2013|12:36pm]
[ music | sleepwalker - adam lambert ]

Who: Raksha and OPEN
When: 4/4/13 around sunset
Where: Landvik, outside near building containing LCU
What: Getting some fresh air, feeling pensive and a bit angsty
Warnings: None so far
Rating: Likely PG for language, unless something develops

I'm not asleep but I'm not awake, After the way you loved me )

[04 Apr 2013|11:45pm]
Who: Esther Glass ([info]glass) & Tyler Ronson ([info]hostilely)
When: Wednesday
Where: Casa de Ronson
What: Esthers, as it so happens, are excellent for improving moods.
Warnings: Many feels.
Rating: F for Feels

if by my life or death i can protect you, i will )

[ viewing | April 4th, 2013 ]
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