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Landvik Academy Logs

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[02 Apr 2013|12:56am]
Who: Maxie & Mercy
When: April 1st, 5-6PM
Where: Stairwell.
What: Just an encounter.
Warnings: Maxie being Maxie. Language. TBD.
Rating: uh. PG-13 just because Maxie.

the sixth tone calls the demon. )

[02 Apr 2013|01:18pm]
Who: Dylan Montleon ([info]fascinatingly) & Sasha Vadim ([info]blackbeast)
When: March 25th
Where: Dylan and Rasui's place
What: Cooking lessons for a clueless pup.
Warnings: none
Rating: PG

it's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake )

[ viewing | April 2nd, 2013 ]
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