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Landvik Academy Logs

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[27 Mar 2013|03:38pm]
Who: Erik & July
When: Thursday Evening
Where: Erik's apartment.
What: Dance lessons.
Warnings: Feels?
Rating: G+

one two three )

[27 Mar 2013|05:51pm]
Who: Elva Kelley ([info]elva) & Tyler Ronson ([info]hostilely)
When: Noonish Sunday the 24th [complete]
Where: Hospital
What: Tired pumas and inquisitive hyenas.
Warnings: Oh, the usual angst and swearing. Mentions of past self-harm.
Rating: PG-13

and if there's something wrong who would have guessed it )

[27 Mar 2013|11:55pm]
Who: Raksha ([info]mercenary_cat) and Valentina ([info]glitzernd)
When: March 27th
Where: The woods around Vinter
What: Someone finds Val, though she doesn't want to be found
Warnings: Language maybe? I mean, come on, it's Raksha and Val. Together.
Rating: TBD

She could be there, being all faerie-like and then boom! Tiger )

[ viewing | March 27th, 2013 ]
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