Friday, May 24th, 2013

I just read The Crucible. It was interesting, particularly having now spent quite a bit of time training in the WCU. I didn't realize there used to be a religious aspect to witchcraft, in that it was associated with working with the devil.
So... your father wrote me the other day.

I have a book that I think you'd like, if you're interested.
(53 comments | Leave a comment)


No amount of 'well, she is sick in the head' or 'she wants total control over a man and his thoughts can now only be about her' will ever explain why some women flock to men on death row or the like. And I'm not just talking about murderers. Nope, these needy ladies go for folks who really could turn your tummies.

Then I have to wonder: who here is the type to go for something like that? Maybe not to that extreme but who else here would throw away logic and sense for some - wait, thinking of an Academy-approved word. ...failing, failing, failing...

Well, you get it. No, I'm not looking for 'oh THAT guy' or 'OH OH ME'. Just putting it out there.

[ filter: private ]

As a demon, I approve. Be more fucked up, humanity. Please. You'll wreck not only your life but others around you. And you'll make strangers fill with hate toward you for your choices. It's snowballs so good.
(23 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

Amazing how much work piles up when we're not looking.

[Filter: Rocco & Leandro]

We should have a family dinner, darlings.

[Filter: Yilin & Bradley]

And how are you two doing? Yilin, we haven't ruined Bradley lately. We ought to, unless he opposes this.

[Filter: Isabella]

I'll be catching up to work promptly, don't you worry.
(34 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, May 10th, 2013

My arm is healing slowly and I hope I will be back in perfect shape in two or three more weeks. I'm glad that I can still work on minor cases and distract myself from everything that has happened instead of idling away my time.

[Filter: Vienne]
Could you stay at my apartment forever for a while? I can't risk losing another person I love

[Filter: Belle]
Please take care of yourself. Now more than ever.
(88 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, May 8th, 2013

q u a t r e.

im going to rip you limb from limb break all of your fingers and make sure the last thing you hear is your scream and the last thing you see is blood i can't i'm

they're dead.

[ filter; damian ]
you were right and now shes dead and it's my fault
(31 comments | Leave a comment)

So, the Big Call from the parents came. They keep threatening to come up here and I keep having to talk them down from it. While I signed up for all the danger and crazy and what else, my parents so did not and I don't want them to step foot in Vinter. So now we've settled on Skyping every other day, while I'm recovering, until they feel kind of better. I downplayed a lot. I think we have to sometimes.

Paperwork is interesting. Totally cool that I get to work from home if I want to and lounge about in my PJs, but I miss my guns and I miss my partner. I miss the field and action and allow me a moment to be a brat and BAWW I JUST GRADUATED FROM TRAINEE, the injustice of it all. But it's cool, I'll retrain and go to PT like a champ.

Bonuses to recovery - Iron Man 3 and Star Trek. Also cute girls fussing over me a little dkfjdkfj

Where do I even begin? I can't say thank you enough. There's nothing I can do So those huge care packages my parents tend to send me? You're probably going to be the proud owner of one. I think yours will end up being bigger than mine, because I have a lot of cousins and my grandparents are still alive and they're overwhelmed with gratitude.

I hinted you might like some Egyptian cotton sheets to roll around on. Make things fun for Edmund.

Feel like introducing the joys of Iron Man to a poor, sheltered Fae with me? I can't wrap my brain around the fact that someone has not seen the movies.
(78 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, April 30th, 2013

O, I suppose it is time I finally made use of this network -- greetings, persons of Landvik Academy! I know a few of you and do not know many of you, though it would be my pleasure to reverse these circumstances. I would offer tea as an enticement but I've only put the kettle, and I do not know what your tastes might be. Would you like a cup of Golden Monkey? Silver Needle, the tea once reserved for emperors? Perhaps you are more of a Rooibos fan, to which I say -- good taste, my friend! I have, in fact, selected a Rooibos for my tea this morning, in hopes of reinvigorating these old & tired bones (a momentous task that I have set before myself, I do believe!) before I start on this pile of unfortunate paperwork that seems to be more part of my job than the other more exciting things.

Ah, yes, it would do to say my name. Absalom Brown, in this year and age, and I am a member of the Demonic Crimes unit. Nothing personal against demons, of course, seeing as we are all related in such a strange and fascinating way!, but you know, that is where I have been put and work.

That being said, has anyone seen my missing mitten? It is forest green with yellow diamonds on it, I would like it back very much.
(127 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, April 14th, 2013

Seems like this Academy likes to welcome new employees with a considerable amount of work. Not that I'm complaining, it's just nice to know that not everything is different at the several Academies.

On that note, let me introduce myself: My name is Alec Winters. Some of you might know me already since I've been here for a couple of days already, but I never got around to introduce myself officially. I've transferred from the London Academy just a few days ago and the people working in the Shifter Crimes unit will see me more frequently from now on. I look forward to a good cooperation!

[Filter: Edmund]
Hi there, Eddie.

[Filter: Vienne]
Hello beautiful~
(175 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, April 5th, 2013

Nothing like a lovely lunch over the weekend to get started on the week- and before you know it, this week is over.

I've taken a look at the missing activists files, but so far nothing that might pertain to my department has come up.
(95 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013

At least there's not much of a climate change from Germany to here. Maybe I should have transferred to a warmer climate.

[Filter to Maryse]
(12 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, March 29th, 2013

[Filter: Oliver]

Would you like to have lunch on Saturday?

[Filter: Matthieu]

I'm inviting him to lunch, yes to lunch, not for lunch, dear.
(40 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, March 28th, 2013

We need some happiness up in here. So...

We're getting a new Gas Chromatograph in the lab!!!!!

I'm so excited. I call first use!
(33 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, March 26th, 2013


[ filter: private ]

I wonder if he's still in the hospital. I should visit. Or maybe I'll wait for him in his house. Where the fuck does he live? No, I might get in trouble over that and the if Juliette hears...ugh.

Maybe a hospital visit after all. Let's see if there's a hole I stick my finger in to make him squeal.

[ filter: public ]

While we wait on hearing about what happened with that mission, what's going on with the activists who went missing? Am I going to have to end up going out with a Cleanser?

[ filter: vienne ]

Daaarling, we should do lunch.
(75 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

Oliver, when you're ready we'll talk about the bird and the bees.

Or I'll make you browse 4chan. Whichever works.

Rhys, I expect you to be a gentleman.

Everyone else- carry on folks, nothing to see here.
(371 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, March 19th, 2013


So now that all of this unpleasantness is behind us, I feel like we need to do something fun! Perhaps a dinner? One of those things where everyone brings a dish to share. I will provide the wine.

[ WCU ]
Anyone working on anything interesting at the moment? How are our little trainees doing?
(181 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, March 11th, 2013


Sometimes I just buy jars and jars of jams and eat them and only them. Sometimes I fall asleep, sticky and with an itty-bitty jam gut.

I have jam gut right now.

AND with that out of the way: I miss summer and girls in itty-bitty bikinis. Boys jerking off while looking at them while they change. Maybe jerking each other off. Lying one of those girls on the hot sand and dragging her bikini bottom down with my teeth. Good times.

I need more jam. ALSO HAHA YOU ARE ALL DRUNK AND STUPID. ♥♥ Sucks to be you guys! Hey, where's that ghost someone was petting? I want to rub him for good luck. And that hugging faerie, c'mere, I have something for you to hug with you

(121 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, February 18th, 2013

So we're finally making some sort of progress. Maybe I'll be able to get fully back to my research soon.
(26 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, February 11th, 2013

[Filter: Matthieu, Language: French]

How goes it? I'd ask more but you know I'd rather you volunteer the information without prompting.
(39 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, February 8th, 2013

thousands of years of existence,

currently spending it staring at this stupid thing,
or hovering over the phone.

love it.

ooh, baby.
(89 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, February 3rd, 2013

If you think Vinter has competent field analysts, you would be wrong. I now have the job of checking their work, and, let's just say, they didn't carry the one. On a lot of things. This is why you call us in first, Vinter police.

Now, who has seen that new Iron Man 3 trailer? It's short, but it did catch my eye.
(33 comments | Leave a comment)
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