Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

holy shite has anyone listened to the new ingrid michaelson cd, my recommendation is don't

[FILTER: Trainees]
so im still trying to figure it out... who are the people around here with sticks up their asses

just doing research of course
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Tuesday, May 21st, 2013



[ filter; faeries ]
i don't know who else to turn to, because i don't think my unit spectral crimes will understand, i don't want to post this publicly in case someone yells at me again, and i don't know very many people here, so i hope it's okay that i'm asking.

how does someone deal with death? i'm not so stupid that i don't know it's awful, but what do you say to people when someone dies? how are you supposed to act, and what's the wrong thing to do or say? i think i know the answers to some of these, but i think it's silly to rely on movie knowledge for this kind of sensitive stuff.

i don't want to upset people, or give anyone a reason to be mad at me, so any advice or help would be very much appreciated.

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The doctor said that my ankle will be alright again in two or three weeks. I think that's good, considering that I have been unable to walk properly for the past four weeks. I suppose things are getting better... Hopefully the nightmares will get better, too. All the images of Evan, his death. I can't.

[Spectral Crimes Unit]
I feel like I've missed a lot. Could you please update me on the most important things that have happened?
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I never thought this day would come, but I actually graduated. Now I'm a proper employee and can do all the employee-y things~ Fuck yeah, I have privileges now ♥

I'm going to throw a little party tonight. I mean, you only graduate from this shit once, right?

11 pm. The Glamour club. Holy shit, I can't afford it. Drinks are on me~
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Friday, May 17th, 2013


Work seems to be humming along, my partner and I have been working a rather fascinating case. It's good to have someone I can trust working with me, I appreciate Kayla's eye for detail and her charming stories. In fact, I have somehow gotten accustomed to her presence in a way that I hadn't expected to as I've grown used to working alone. It's... interesting.

I was becoming frustrated by my lack of transportation, so I got myself a little something. Otherwise, I do hope everyone is healing well and things are getting back to standard.
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Sunday, May 12th, 2013

This case is like living in Little Red Riding Hood...only minus the annoying child. But a hunting opportunity is never a waste, so I suppose it works out.

Folks that don't live at Landvik, recs for places to rent? (Or avoid)
(9 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, May 8th, 2013


guys, did i hear right earlier? there was a grave full of people? another trainee told me, but she didn't know the details. does anyone know the details? am i allowed to ask or is that not allowed? :(
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So, the Big Call from the parents came. They keep threatening to come up here and I keep having to talk them down from it. While I signed up for all the danger and crazy and what else, my parents so did not and I don't want them to step foot in Vinter. So now we've settled on Skyping every other day, while I'm recovering, until they feel kind of better. I downplayed a lot. I think we have to sometimes.

Paperwork is interesting. Totally cool that I get to work from home if I want to and lounge about in my PJs, but I miss my guns and I miss my partner. I miss the field and action and allow me a moment to be a brat and BAWW I JUST GRADUATED FROM TRAINEE, the injustice of it all. But it's cool, I'll retrain and go to PT like a champ.

Bonuses to recovery - Iron Man 3 and Star Trek. Also cute girls fussing over me a little dkfjdkfj

Where do I even begin? I can't say thank you enough. There's nothing I can do So those huge care packages my parents tend to send me? You're probably going to be the proud owner of one. I think yours will end up being bigger than mine, because I have a lot of cousins and my grandparents are still alive and they're overwhelmed with gratitude.

I hinted you might like some Egyptian cotton sheets to roll around on. Make things fun for Edmund.

Feel like introducing the joys of Iron Man to a poor, sheltered Fae with me? I can't wrap my brain around the fact that someone has not seen the movies.
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Tuesday, May 7th, 2013

going out into the field tomorrow, spose it won't be a fecking boring day after all. apparently we're going to be sniffin around like dogs or something like that. i don't really know the details or if i'm supposed to even say anything, but i'd rather play hound for landvik than be cooped up here doing the usual training exercises while everyone else gets to go out and have adventures and have fucking fun. it's so much more exciting than staying in this bloody academy and doing paperwork for the next three thousand years.

so yeah good luck to me or whatever, it's going to be feckin ace

[FILTER: Sasha Vadim]
i hope your stupid arm is doing ok [...] i got some ice cream if you wanna split it
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Wednesday, May 1st, 2013


It wasn't until I had to sign and date some paperwork that I realized today is my birthday.

[...] I suppose I should do something to celebrate. If anyone has some suggestions I'll take them under advisement.
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Tuesday, April 30th, 2013

O, I suppose it is time I finally made use of this network -- greetings, persons of Landvik Academy! I know a few of you and do not know many of you, though it would be my pleasure to reverse these circumstances. I would offer tea as an enticement but I've only put the kettle, and I do not know what your tastes might be. Would you like a cup of Golden Monkey? Silver Needle, the tea once reserved for emperors? Perhaps you are more of a Rooibos fan, to which I say -- good taste, my friend! I have, in fact, selected a Rooibos for my tea this morning, in hopes of reinvigorating these old & tired bones (a momentous task that I have set before myself, I do believe!) before I start on this pile of unfortunate paperwork that seems to be more part of my job than the other more exciting things.

Ah, yes, it would do to say my name. Absalom Brown, in this year and age, and I am a member of the Demonic Crimes unit. Nothing personal against demons, of course, seeing as we are all related in such a strange and fascinating way!, but you know, that is where I have been put and work.

That being said, has anyone seen my missing mitten? It is forest green with yellow diamonds on it, I would like it back very much.
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Monday, April 29th, 2013



hello hello! it seems i'm coming in at a delicate time, so i'll make this short (but it may be not short). hello, i'm katya. ♥ but if we want to get all official, it's ekaterina, but call me katya or kat!! (i had a friend who called me yaya; it was weird.) i am so new, i have yet to take off the packaging! i'm a trainee in spectral crimes! i'm going to be a cleanser! i'm a faerie! i like fluffy things and hot chocolate with marshmallows and caramel drizzle! (this is not relevant; it was for my own benefit, and i'm so hungry.) i have two kittens named wilhelm and jacob! (but i call them wilbert and jake. jakey on a good day.)

there, i have exercised all of my exclamation points for the week. i know nobody here, so please come say hi, hello, etc. especially you're in spectral crimes! oh, does anyone want to show me around the campus? i got lost earlier. :(

[ filter; faeries ]
knock knock?!

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