Thursday, May 30th, 2013

I'm still healing, but I can get more work done now than I could just two weeks ago. I have taken some time off to see some movies. The new Star Trek left me with some manly feels. I don't want to run my mouth about that movie too much or I'll spoil everyone. Feel free to come to the lab to talk to me about it. I'm never too busy to talk Star Trek. I think I'm waiting for Superman, but I'm not sure. He's never been my favorite superhero... Don't kill me...

Now this is going to make me seem like a wuss, but would anyone like to go out with me at night? Um, Bradley, don't say that. You will sound like wuss in front of everyone.

I...don't know what to say anymore, so I'll end with ---> Hope everyone's doing okay.
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Monday, May 6th, 2013

I was going to talk about work or the pain I'm still in something else, but I cannot contain the glee I feel in seeing Iron Man 3. I won't give anything away, but Robert Downey Jr. was spectacular as always and so was the action. I don't want to keep gushing about it, so I'll cut myself off now.

It was definitely something I needed; it took my mind off of recent events that do not need to be dwelled on. Sadly, my brain is back to dwelling, so if anyone still needs/wants to see it, I'm willing to tag along.

Still wondering if I should call my family...
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Saturday, April 27th, 2013

the lazy song

thank you to everyone who helped with the rescuing. while i doubt anyone likes being in the hospital it's definitely a big step up from where i was. shit... what else do I say here? in case anyone was wondering, having a broken jaw is a really good way to get out of eating crappy hospital food. and, no more worrying about how i'm going to get into shape for bikini season, since this new diet is awesome. it's gonna be hell on my social life though.

i miss evan. um, if anyone wants to come visit, i've got stuff to write on and i know basic asl, but otherwise it's pretty boring. i actually miss work, so if there's anything i can do from here just let me know. not like i've got anything better to do.
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Thursday, March 28th, 2013

We need some happiness up in here. So...

We're getting a new Gas Chromatograph in the lab!!!!!

I'm so excited. I call first use!
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Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

[video post]

a series of unfortunate texts sent to Bradley and Nicholas last night/early this morning )
[The camera clicks on and a very irate looking Korean girl pops into view, hair pulled back into a messy ponytail. She's dangling a tiny, cackling man between her thumb and index finger and then drops him unceremoniously off-screen. There's a tiny thump and the cackling continues:]

Nic. Bradley. Just so we're all on the same page. You both suck and I did not wish for a vagina.

Also, world, don't make any wishes.[The feed cuts abruptly.]
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Thursday, February 21st, 2013

The blood is the killers! And it has the same DNA as the hair! So they are the same person! Score!

He cut himself on a knife found two feet away from the female body. There were blood spatters moving away from the scene. He was moving very quickly. Running. Because he was a coward. (They usually are.)

If you don't know, there was a piece of a jacket ripped and stuck on a branch. It was wool. And had the same kind of fibers as millions of other wool jackets bought from a plethora of stores in Europe. So far, that's almost a dead end. I'll see what I can find if I dig deeper. Or someone else can. I'm not a fan of that stuff. I like the science. Searching is not science.

The food is normal food. I haven't found anything to show where it was bought or cooked, but I'm working on it. I didn't work on the table, but it looked pretty clean of trace elements. I could be wrong. I can check on that...

So, well, it might not seem like enough, but I'm calling it a success.
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Sunday, February 3rd, 2013

If you think Vinter has competent field analysts, you would be wrong. I now have the job of checking their work, and, let's just say, they didn't carry the one. On a lot of things. This is why you call us in first, Vinter police.

Now, who has seen that new Iron Man 3 trailer? It's short, but it did catch my eye.
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