Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

I suppose this might seem a bit superfluous in this academy and though some of you might not enjoy spending time together, I was wondering if I could interest any of you in a possible book club? I was reading in my favorite cafe the other day and I thought to myself, 'My! It would be quite lovely if I had some friends to discuss this piece of fine literature with,' and though I did try the internet, it seems that the majority of message boards are populated by [...] 'trolls'? I fear I am unfamiliar with the term! Nonetheless, not very many of the conversations proved productive -- in fact, they seemed primarily populated by clever pictures...

Ah, yes, back to the topic at hand! So, a book club. Would all you dear lovers of the written word out yourselves for a possible bi-weekly meeting? I know you might not want to spend additional time with some of your co-workers, but it could be nice to also do some socialising outside of the office. I do humbly offer my own living quarters for the majority of the meetings, and I look forward to possibly serving dinners & teas to those who attend.

[FILTER: Roza]
I quite enjoyed our little tea date, pet. Shall we have one again sometime soon?
[FILTER: Angels]
Do you suppose the Bible might be a bit too heavy a piece of work for the first few sessions of Book Club?
(46 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013


No more eye patch = no more pirate jokes, yes?

Also, I'm cleared to go back to work. And the church can go do profane things to itself until I get an explanation as to why this happened to Athanasia and I.

[ filter; angels ]
So... do you still believe He wants us back? I'm not sure I do anymore... how is everyone?
(30 comments | Leave a comment)

in which morgan is in a sharing mood.


Somehow, I think this would apply to many of you, though do avoid if grating musicals get on your nerves. The tune is disgustingly catchy, fair warning.

I think we are due for some ice cream. Come over later.

Not that I have any intention of holding one, but as a feathery one once brought up: do you think we could suffer a dinner with angels? Who would die first, and how long would it take before the pot roast went flying?

(28 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, May 12th, 2013

in which morgan happily licks her fingers.


Am I allowed to be satisfied about a mission being resolved, or is someone going to come rip my head off for not being broken up about a pit full of dead people in mourning? I'd like to remind everyone that this is an Academy that deals with death every day. When someone is taken out, it's a terrible thing, of course, but you signed up for this. If you have a weak stomach for death, why are you here? It is going to happen whether you like it or not, and when you least expect it.

I am going to slap the next person who whines about death as if it's a new thing.

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Wednesday, May 8th, 2013


guys, did i hear right earlier? there was a grave full of people? another trainee told me, but she didn't know the details. does anyone know the details? am i allowed to ask or is that not allowed? :(
(30 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, May 6th, 2013


given to lachlan on his birthday )

sent to ariana, dylan and bradley )

[ filter; parker ]
Are you available for coffee tomorrow? If not, I understand.

[ filter; absalom (lol last minute, sry) ]
Would you be interested in tea sometime?
(16 comments | Leave a comment)

in which morgan does her job.

Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you.

And if your father or your mother does a dishonourable thing, do you still honour them? If they've shamed you or God, are you still meant to honour and love them? Does God make exceptions for the rules, or do you honour them no matter their sins? I do have to say, out of all the Commandments, this is my favourite:

You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

Don't pine for one's donkey, or God shall be most displeased for your greediness.
(33 comments | Leave a comment)

After healed wounds, the excitement of the rescue and the kidnapping, we can now focus on the fact that's finally spring. Who has the spring fever already? I certainly feel much better now, which might also be due to the fact that I get to play Amor.

Saturday, 6p.m., [restaurant name here]. Be on time and dress nicely.

You have a blind date, buddy. On Saturday at six p.m. you will go to the [restaurant here] and have dinner (or pretend to have dinner) with someone I picked for you. Be on time and dress nicely.

Oh, and don't kill me for it.

How are you feeling, darling? Do you think a trip to Paris would make you feel better?
(116 comments | Leave a comment)

It's funny how your cooking skills can improve when you have to care for a bunch of disabled people. I can now cook three dishes instead of just preparing instant meals. I'm pretty damn proud of myself, I have to admit. Rian, Diarmuid, you owe me big time!


How's my favorite husband today? Did I accidentally poison you with the food? I hope not. Did my nurse outfit help you endure the pain?
(151 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, May 1st, 2013

should've gone to bed

the doctor decided to try and wean me off the morphine, and it's not going well. i miss my magic happy-making button. i've been having weird dreams about people i know being the avengers and other comic book characters, to the point where the nurse threatened to confiscate my e-reader and my laptop if i didn't stop giggling about how much some of my friends resemble certain ones and then whining because laughing hurts. being here is super-depressing, and i think my roommate is doing everything he can to rub in the fact that i can't eat solid food since there's no way in hell he could be enjoying his pizza as much as he's making it seem. [...] pizza makes me think of evan, and thinking of evan makes me sad.

oh! thank you to whoever brought me work stuff, the researching has been helping me feel less slug-like. i forget who it was, i feel like the first few days i was here kinda blended together. the nurse says that's to be expected with the amount of painkillers i was on. they're letting me out on friday, but i have no idea how i'm getting home. oh well, i'll worry about that when it becomes important.

[ filter; rasui ]
speaking of getting home, have you found us a new one that allows pets? i'd rather not have an illegal corgi to go with my illegal kitten. natasha and bucky deserve better.

[ filter; tyler ]
thank you, for everything. the leash and collar are adorable, i just know bucky will love it. and you'll have to wait to hang rasui out a window until i can laugh at it without my whole face hurting.
(19 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, April 30th, 2013

O, I suppose it is time I finally made use of this network -- greetings, persons of Landvik Academy! I know a few of you and do not know many of you, though it would be my pleasure to reverse these circumstances. I would offer tea as an enticement but I've only put the kettle, and I do not know what your tastes might be. Would you like a cup of Golden Monkey? Silver Needle, the tea once reserved for emperors? Perhaps you are more of a Rooibos fan, to which I say -- good taste, my friend! I have, in fact, selected a Rooibos for my tea this morning, in hopes of reinvigorating these old & tired bones (a momentous task that I have set before myself, I do believe!) before I start on this pile of unfortunate paperwork that seems to be more part of my job than the other more exciting things.

Ah, yes, it would do to say my name. Absalom Brown, in this year and age, and I am a member of the Demonic Crimes unit. Nothing personal against demons, of course, seeing as we are all related in such a strange and fascinating way!, but you know, that is where I have been put and work.

That being said, has anyone seen my missing mitten? It is forest green with yellow diamonds on it, I would like it back very much.
(127 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, April 29th, 2013



hello hello! it seems i'm coming in at a delicate time, so i'll make this short (but it may be not short). hello, i'm katya. ♥ but if we want to get all official, it's ekaterina, but call me katya or kat!! (i had a friend who called me yaya; it was weird.) i am so new, i have yet to take off the packaging! i'm a trainee in spectral crimes! i'm going to be a cleanser! i'm a faerie! i like fluffy things and hot chocolate with marshmallows and caramel drizzle! (this is not relevant; it was for my own benefit, and i'm so hungry.) i have two kittens named wilhelm and jacob! (but i call them wilbert and jake. jakey on a good day.)

there, i have exercised all of my exclamation points for the week. i know nobody here, so please come say hi, hello, etc. especially you're in spectral crimes! oh, does anyone want to show me around the campus? i got lost earlier. :(

[ filter; faeries ]
knock knock?!

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in which morgan actually gives no f's.

[ filter; private ]
I still don't care. Am I meant to care?

[ filter; demons ]
Curiosity calls again: what is the shortest time you've held a host?

[ filter; public ]
Don't get too cozy, kittens. There's a wolf on the doorstep, waiting for you to make the wrong move. Like killing more of them than they had of you.
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