Thursday, May 30th, 2013

Sometimes you demons can be more easy to understand and even get along with than humans. It's not to say I'm sympathizing with you all because I can't or even want to; I'm just saying I can understand you sometimes.

Other than that, I have to agree with whats-her-name from a few posts back. This place has gotten boring again. I guess I'll twiddle my thumbs until the next big murder.
(16 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

I suppose this might seem a bit superfluous in this academy and though some of you might not enjoy spending time together, I was wondering if I could interest any of you in a possible book club? I was reading in my favorite cafe the other day and I thought to myself, 'My! It would be quite lovely if I had some friends to discuss this piece of fine literature with,' and though I did try the internet, it seems that the majority of message boards are populated by [...] 'trolls'? I fear I am unfamiliar with the term! Nonetheless, not very many of the conversations proved productive -- in fact, they seemed primarily populated by clever pictures...

Ah, yes, back to the topic at hand! So, a book club. Would all you dear lovers of the written word out yourselves for a possible bi-weekly meeting? I know you might not want to spend additional time with some of your co-workers, but it could be nice to also do some socialising outside of the office. I do humbly offer my own living quarters for the majority of the meetings, and I look forward to possibly serving dinners & teas to those who attend.

[FILTER: Roza]
I quite enjoyed our little tea date, pet. Shall we have one again sometime soon?
[FILTER: Angels]
Do you suppose the Bible might be a bit too heavy a piece of work for the first few sessions of Book Club?
(46 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013


No more eye patch = no more pirate jokes, yes?

Also, I'm cleared to go back to work. And the church can go do profane things to itself until I get an explanation as to why this happened to Athanasia and I.

[ filter; angels ]
So... do you still believe He wants us back? I'm not sure I do anymore... how is everyone?
(30 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, May 4th, 2013

Stop me if I've said this already, but I'm bored. This part of the world was exciting for a short time, but, right now, it seems everything is back to "normal" and moving at a snail's pace. Maybe, if I go to sleep, I will wake up a few hundred years in the future and fine something more interesting to talk about.

This isn't even interesting, and I'm the one writing this thing. That's it... I think I'm just desperate enough to do this... Does anyone want to do something? I refuse to wait on those who are still very much injured. Somethingone that can speak too. Angels are served first.
(5 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, May 3rd, 2013

[elijah & athanasia]
Did you ask for our Father while you were away? Did you cry and beg and hope that He would save you? Did you ever feel His presence? Just the tiniest sign or hint that He was listening? Or did you feel Him watching while they hurt you? Could you feel His eyes on you while He watched them beat you? Do you still love Him? Would you tell me if you had? Would you tell any of your brothers and sisters?

How is recovery going? Is there anything you need that might provide some small comfort?
(15 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, April 30th, 2013

O, I suppose it is time I finally made use of this network -- greetings, persons of Landvik Academy! I know a few of you and do not know many of you, though it would be my pleasure to reverse these circumstances. I would offer tea as an enticement but I've only put the kettle, and I do not know what your tastes might be. Would you like a cup of Golden Monkey? Silver Needle, the tea once reserved for emperors? Perhaps you are more of a Rooibos fan, to which I say -- good taste, my friend! I have, in fact, selected a Rooibos for my tea this morning, in hopes of reinvigorating these old & tired bones (a momentous task that I have set before myself, I do believe!) before I start on this pile of unfortunate paperwork that seems to be more part of my job than the other more exciting things.

Ah, yes, it would do to say my name. Absalom Brown, in this year and age, and I am a member of the Demonic Crimes unit. Nothing personal against demons, of course, seeing as we are all related in such a strange and fascinating way!, but you know, that is where I have been put and work.

That being said, has anyone seen my missing mitten? It is forest green with yellow diamonds on it, I would like it back very much.
(127 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, April 26th, 2013


The hospital won't release me on my own recognizance, for whatever that means. It's like they think I'm a baby and can't take care of myself just 'cause I've got a patch over one eye. I'd think that makes me a pirate, but I guess I was wrong.

Also, the next person who asks me if 'it hurts' and tries to poke my face is getting fingers broken or bitten off.
(4 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, April 18th, 2013


Not for nothing, I think someone should have a word with the local newspaper about their content, I mean they really shouldn't print things like that. Still, I wonder if they'd be willing to provide the source (or sources), if we visited with a warrant.
(1 comment | Leave a comment)

Friday, April 5th, 2013


Well, there's nothing like reading the morning news to put a damper on a persons' entire day.

They should have called us in sooner, should have trusted us... So many 'shoulds' and not enough answers. It makes me wonder why humans are so effing stupid.
(12 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, March 30th, 2013

I'm bored. I guess I shouldn't be, but I am. Even though this is a new "adventure," it leaves me with a lot of time on my hands.

Does anyone else get sick of time? Just wondering...
(11 comments | Leave a comment)


There's been all manner of tension around after that ruined mission, and people are reacting to it in all sorts of different ways. I know that I, personally, have been making sure to pay better attention in my training classes and have been doing everything I can to be more aware of my surroundings. I've even started working out, so I can fight things off if I need to, and I've been debating learning how to use a modern weapon as well, though I'm not a fan of killing or hurting others.

All that being said, I found something that made me incredibly happy, and I thought I should share.

(not cut ic'ly) )
(24 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, March 21st, 2013


[friends of elijah filter (if you think you are one then by all means)]

I somehow managed to get a date for tomorrow night with a really sweet stalkergirl. I suggested dinner and a movie, but I haven't been here long enough to know of any good restaurants. So... help?
(36 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, March 19th, 2013


Now that everyone is back to normal -- or whatever normal might be for the various species here, I'm not discriminating since I've no idea -- does everyone recall everything that they did and the good times that went down? If not, ask around, because some of you have less self-control than a fat kid in a bakery. It was awesome.

That being said, thank you for making things interesting for the casual observer.

We still on for that date? I was thinking this weekend, maybe we could go see a movie or something?
(18 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, March 18th, 2013


It seems people are feeling better again.

So where is Lukas and what is going to be done about the damage this has caused? And is that spectre who was given a sex change still stuck that way? That last question is not at all work-related. I'm just curious.
(63 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, March 14th, 2013

4. [video]

(35 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, March 10th, 2013

Am I in hell? I'm in hell.

[filter: angels]
Do we have any clue as to what's going on? Has anyone heard from Lukas?
(17 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, March 9th, 2013


[filtered away from school personnel]

Does anyone know of a relatively inexpensive apartment that allows cats, or live in one and need a roommate? I'd really like a pet, to help prove that I can be responsible, but rules are rules...

[filter: seungwon]

How pissed would you be if I smuggled a kitten into our dorm room?
(5 comments | Leave a comment)


It may sound a little silly, but I'm nervous about taking part in the trial. It's been... a really long time since I was involved in one personally.

With all of the media, I'm not sure if we'll be the ones the jury will want to hear from.


How are you feeling?

This whole thing is getting a bit tricky, isn't it? I can't believe they might actually blame us for why he's insane.

(45 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, March 8th, 2013


[ filter: private ]
Dearest Father,

It was in the eleventh century while I was stuck stationed in Italy when I stopped counting how long it had been since I had been in your presence. Also, the number was depressing me and I didn't want the next day to depress me further. Do you keep count of how long it's been since you threw cast damned gave us that tender, careful push out? You are all-knowing, you must know. Forgive me for asking.

Are there any of us still with you? If so, why are they allowed to be with you? Why can't I Or are you content at seeing us all here, with the creations so favoured it makes me sick that constantly need guidance and forgiveness. It is true, they never seem to learn and those that do tend to have epiphanies toward the end of their limited lives. There is a scant number that are good and sensible from the start but they don't tend to live long in this world. The demons have a strong hold and wickedness is rampant. May I suggest another flood? Minus the ark? Minus any human survivors? Maybe you can start again

Regardless of whatever you decide, I will do what I can. I will always do what I can. I love you I love you how dare you Please don't forget me, Father.

Your eternally patient but desperate to come home please take me back right now why have you one,
(currently) Athanasia

P.S. I don't understand faeries. Please help.
[ filter: all but excluding humans, demons & vampires ]

A cat wandered into my life pregnant gave birth about three months ago and I need to dole out the kittens. They are bicoloured cats (black and white) and long-haired. They have had their shots and necessary check-ups. The mother cat won't be spawning anymore as she was very recently spayed.

There are also five of them but four will be given away. I'm keeping one because she clings my wrist and forearm like a small handbag. I won't be sending them to homes with demons.

[ filter: public ]

None of you have anything of value or substance to speak of. You're all going to hell, filthy creatures Constantly giving into the temptation to do whatever and say whatever. No restraint, no fear from the one who created us all Sometimes, I feel like I'm surrounded by teenagers gushing over movies or television or liberally hating for no reason other than that they can. Lukas Landvik, you're screwed.

If there is someone with more than a modicum of self-respect and good sense tell me what you do in your spare time. And if you know of a good stable or a rink for skating. I'll drive any reasonable distance.
(107 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, March 5th, 2013


Who else thinks we'll be seeing an insanity defense here? I mean, I can't imagine any lawyer worth his spit would try a different tactic.
(30 comments | Leave a comment)
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